21🔥 National Lockdown

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Owen was really glad that he was able to stay home for the day and spend time with Thalia. These last few days were some of the best days of his life. His son and daughter under one roof. They were all getting along and it felt like they were a proper family. It wouldn't last though. Thalia was going to go home in less than a week. That was if she even knew where she was going to stay. Owen just couldn't believe that her mother kicked her out. Why would a parent do that. There was literally no suitable reason to kick any child out. No reason at all.

Owen was worried about what Thalia was going to do when she went back to England. It wasn't as if Thalia could live on the streets. So Owen was currently flicking through the TV. He was trying to take his mind of Thalia and TK for a few minutes. He just needed to relax....

"England is closing its airports and is entering a national lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic."

Owen stopped scrolling through the TV channels and paid all his attention to the news.

"The Prime Minster of England has announced that England will be entering a full national lockdown. Exams that were going to go ahead at the end of the school year are now cancelled. There has been nothing said about how students affected will get their marks but updates will happen later in the week.

The majority of schooling will now be moved online. Only student with parents who are essential workers will be allowed to attend school in person.

Companies are urged to move everything online unless if their work is essential.

Airports will be reducing the amount of international flights and all national flights will stop until the lockdown is over. There hasn't been anything said about what will happen to all the British citizens out of the country. Moving On..."

Owen turns off the TV and makes his way to the spare bedroom where Thalia is currently staying.

"Have you seen the news Thalia?"

Thalia just nods before staring at the ceiling. Owen comes and sits on the end of the bed. They sit in silence for a while before Thalia speaks.

"I have no idea what to do now.  I can't really go back to England. Besides if I did I wouldn't have anywhere to stay. But I also can't do online school here. The time difference is too big. That's if I even need to do online school"

"I don't really know what to do in this situation either. It isn't anything that the world has seen before."

"I think I'm going to call my college to see what I can do. Hopefully they know more than the news station here know."

Owen just nods his head. He stays sat there in thought.

"Call your college now then. You can use the landline to call them."

Thalia nods and gets off the bed.

"What are we going to do if I'm stuck here..."

"Then you can stay here. Make this room your own."

"But where will TK's mum stay..."

"We'll sort something out, alright?"

Thalia nods again and goes to pick up the landline phone.

Owen doesn't hear what she or the college are saying. But around 10 minutes later Thalia comes back into the room and she looked a little less worried.

"So uh college says that exams are definitely cancelled.  So the only thing I'm really going to be learning won't be really important. I can do my online school stuff here but the time difference is tricky. They said they'll record the morning lessons as I only have 2 of them. But the afternoon ones I need to attend. I also mentioned that I'm going to try and go to an American Uni so they said that is a good thing that I'm going to be in America. I just need to sort out visa stuff but I was hoping that you could help me with that."

"I would love to help you with that. So you're staying with us then..."

"Yes, if that's alright. I might need to message my Mum though and ask her to send all my stuff over here. I'm not sure she'll do that though."

Thalia then rushes to hug Owen.

"Thank you so much for allowing me to stay with you."

Owen is startled for a few seconds but then hugs her back.

"Of course I would let you stay here. You're my daughter.."

Thalia just hugs him tighter, They stay there for a few minutes before pulling apart.

"I guess we need to grab the rest of my stuff from Carlos'. Also won't it be awkward when TK's mum comes here and I'm here. Does she even know about me?"

"Yeah, that's fine. TK is going over to Carlos' later so we can get your stuff when I drop him off. But uh TK's mum knows about you and it might be a bit awkward but we'll make do."

"Ok, cool. As long as I get shotgun." 

Owen doesn't respond he just laughs as he walks out of her room.

"Was that a yes?"

Again there isn't a response.

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