6🔥Like the Titanic

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"Um hi , Owen"

You could see that his face fell when you called him Owen and not Dad. But you had never spoken to him before so you couldn't call him Dad. Heck you felt weird calling him Owen and not Mr Strand. But that would make him feel even worse and you didn't want him to feel so bad for something he did 17 years ago.

"Hi Thalia, I tried to come back before you were born but your Mum had already moved away, there wasn't anything I could do."

"No it's fine. Is TK still in the room?"

"Yes he is. He's laying on the couch staring at the ceiling"

He let out a chuckle at this and you smiled. 

"Could you go into another room please?"

Once you could tell that he had moved you asked if TK would be able to hear you. He replied no so you started speaking to him again.

"I'm going to come to Texas next week to surprise TK. Carlos said that he was going to pick me up at the airport. I just thought that you would like to know that I'm coming before I arrive."

"Oh ok. Thank you. Where will you be staying?"

"At Carlos', he offered to let me stay."

"You could always stay here..."

"Uh sorry but I don't really feel comfortable doing that. This is the first time we've ever spoken so."

He looked crest-fallen at this but you didn't want to stay with them so.

"I did try and call you at least once a month but your mother always said that you were busy or didn't want to speak to me. I also sent you a Birthday Card every year. I didn't abandon you"

"Mum never told me that... She always just said that you didn't want anything to do with me."

"No, I really regretted running away from your mother. I came back a week later but she had already moved. "

"Oh.... Could we maybe talk about this when I come to Texas. I don't really want her to overhear me talking to you. She doesn't like the mention of you at all."

"Of course"

"Can you pass me back to TK now?"

"Yeah just give me a second. Would it be alright if I got TK to send me your number so that we can start messaging. I would love to get to know you as my daughter. You don't have to say yes if you don't want to but I....."

You interrupted him as soon as it clicked into your brain that he wanted you to be his daughter.

"Yes, that would be great!"

As soon as he heard that he smiled with the biggest smile you think that you have ever seen. He then passes you back to TK who also had a grin on is face. He then looked away to see if Owen had gone and once he had, TK started speaking to you.

"So I guess that you two are going to start talking to each other then..."

"Shut up TK, you're so annoying sometimes."

"I'm not annoying, I'm just being your brother."

You started grinning again.

"Is it alright if I go now TK, we're having dinner soon and I want get a start on more of my homework."

"Nah that's fine. "

"Cool, love you"

"Love you to Thals"

Just as you were about to hang up, TK started talking again.

"Hey Thalia, I'm really glad that you decided to speak to him. I bet he's really happy about it as well. He won't shut up about it for days now" 

With that you gave a laugh and ten you hung up.

Today had been a really good day and you knew what would make it even better. If you and you Mum started talking again without being all passive aggressive. Despite the fact that in under a week you were going to run away to Texas for just under 2 weeks. But now you had even more of a reason to. Your Dad wanted to talk to you and you HAD to meet Carlos and check that he was alright for TK. You had to check to see if Tarlos would be a perfect ship or see if it would go down like the Titanic. But seeing from the fact that Carlos hadn't told TK that you were coming yet was already a sign that he would do anything to make sure life was perfect for TK.  

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