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Owen's first thought when there was a power surge was if Thalia was alright. When he first realised this he told himself it was because her mother would kill him if she came back injured. Actually her mother would kill him any chance that she got. But he was actually worried about her because he cared about her.

He made sure everything was alright with the fire trucks and all the power tools on the bottom floor and then he rushed upstairs to see if Thalia was alright.

"Everything okay here?"

"Uh yeah, what happened?"

"Solar storm, it caused a power surge and then a power outage."

"I'm guessing that this isn't a regular occurrence?"

"No it isn't"

Suddenly an alarm rung.

"I've got to go. Kitchen is downstairs- help yourself."

You nodded as he ran off downstairs. This was going to be while without anyone here. As well as that your phone and laptop had stopped working. There was literally nothing to do. Luckily Owen had showed you were the beds were before you went to his office. You then decided to go and get some sleep, if there wasn't anything to do then you might as well sleep. Unfortunately that meant that you would probably be up all night. Going to the beds you picked a random one that looked like there wasn't anybody sleeping there today. Getting into the bed you turned the lights off and soon fell asleep. 


TK had just arrived at the fire station after getting his bullet wound checked. He had needed a few extra stitches but then decided to go to the fire station. He now knew that he definitely wanted to stay as a firefighter. He couldn't imagine not saving people's lives. It was what he was made for. He stayed by the kitchen and waited for his Dad and team to arrive. They had arrived at the scene as TK was trying to save the driver of a bus which had flipped and hit a water hydrant. The driver had been pinned and almost drowned but luckily the 126 came in time and rescued her and TK.

Around an hour later both the fire engines and the ambulance turned up. TK immediately stood up as the doors opened.

"Hey you alright?" TK looked up to see his Dad talking.

"Yeah, the doctor fixed it up, they added a few more stitches." 

Owen just nodded.

"So how is she?"

TK then looked over to Mateo. He was quite confused with what he just said but put that up with Mateo being Mateo.

"What are you on about?"

"Oh you haven't been upstairs?"

TK was really confused with what the team was on about. He shook his head before launching into how he used to be addicted to substances. About how he wanted to be a firefighter, how he needed to be a firefighter. The team simply hugged him and told him how they supported him before going upstairs.

Owen simply hugged him and started talking about going out to eat tonight before he saw Carlos at the entrance of the firehouse. Owen figured that TK hadn't seen Thalia yet.

"How about you get Carlos and you two join us to eat."

TK was about to shake his head and deny his offer but Carlos had come over while Owen was speaking.

"Sure, we'll come eat with you guys. I'm just gonna head to the toilet. I'll join you in the kitchen TK."

TK looked a bit confused but headed to the kitchen leaving Carlos and Owen alone.

"I'm guessing that TK hasn't seen her yet"

Owen shook his head.

"You go find her and bring her downstairs while the rest of the team are busy. She'll either be in my office or the room with all the beds."

Carlos nodded and walked off to find Thalia. He eventually found her asleep so he gently woke her up.

She groggily sat up before looking around.

"Hey Thalia, TK's here now. He's downstairs in the kitchen if you want to go see him before everyone else gets to the kitchen."

Thalia nodded and quickly got up.

"I'm just going to head to the toilet and freshen up quickly. Then I will go downstairs."

Carlos then left her and went to join TK downstairs. When he noticed that Thalia was in the doorway he nudged TK to grab his attention. 

"Yeah?" TK lifted his head from his phone and looked up at Carlos.

"I think there's someone you might want to see" He then pointed towards the doorway.

TK turned around and froze. He couldn't believe. There was no way that she was actually here in Texas. No chance.


She nodded and then ran straight towards TK and pulled him into a hug.

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