2 🔥Billion Snakes and Buttercup

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Hey Thalia

You smiled as you see TK's face on your screen.

"Hey TK, how's your shift been so far?"

"Not bad, not bad. Uh we went to a house with about a billion snakes in the basement."

At this you visibly shudder. TK smiled in response when he saw you do this.

"Uh and Dad got a dog called Buttercup. I'm not super keen on it, its currently laying in my bed."

"What's wrong with Buttercup, why don't you like them?"

"Buttercup has lung cancer, Dad found out when he...."

TK suddenly stops talking with a guilty look on his face.

"When he what?"

"Ah nothing, slip of the tongue.
But anyways I don't want to loose Buttercup. I've lost too many people..."

"Woah hold up. You've only lost that jerk ex of yours"

TK grimaces at the reminder of his ex

"Sorry, kind of forgot he's a sore subject. But anyways, you aren't going to loose me"

"Yeah, thanks Thalia
So how's England?"

"Wet and Rainy"

At Thalia's words TK let's out a laugh

"Thalia, you are definitely living in the wrong country"

"It isn't my fault! I have to wait until at least 18 to move"

"Yeah well as soon as your 18 I expect you to move and come live me with"

TK says this with one of the biggest smiles on his face. It makes Thalia grin right back at him.

"Are you living by yourself?"

TK shakes his head.

"You know I'm not"

"Well then I don't really want to live with you then. No offence...."

"There isn't anything wrong with him. He is a great dad,"

"Yes but he has never made any indication that he wants to know me. Never has he sent a letter or a card. The only things that hints that he knows that I exist is the child support that he has to pay each month."


"I don't really want to talk about it TK. I think I'm gonna go get some sleep it is like 5am in the morning here"

"Woah woah woah. Why did you call me this late, you should be getting some sleep"

"Uh cos I don't have anything to do tomorrow and I like talking to you?"

"Not a reasonable excuse Thals"

"Night TK, I'll message you later. Love you"

"Night, love you to"

With that you hung up without realising that Owen Strand (your dad) had been there for the last few minutes of the call. So you just went to sleep while TK was being interrogated by Owen.

Meanwhile in Austin, Texas

"Who was that?"

TK looked away from his phone to see his Dad standing in the doorway. He had just finished a call with Thalia, his half sister.

"Oh just a friend. You feeling alright Dad?"

"I'm fine.  You sure that was no one important?"


What TK didn't know was that Owen had heard the phone call and knew it was someone important. That it was his daughter. His daughter who had never met and never spoken to yet wanted to.

The amount of times that he phoned her mother asking to talk to his daughter yet was told that she didn't want to speak to him.  The countless letters that he had written with no replies. The birthdays card that he sent every year. The college fund that he had created for her. Yes he ran away because he was scared but he tried to return as soon as he realised his big mistake. However her mother had already moved away to England. He had no way to contact her and now she thought that he hated her. It kind of broke him a little.

"TK what's wrong with Buttercup? You always wanted a dog while you were growing up" 

And with that the conversation changed. The father and son talked and settled their worries before they were called on another call. This one involving a home invasion.

They were a few minutes out when the radio came alive telling them that the man who caused the home invasion was with the police. They were just about to turn around when they got news that the man had collapsed and was now unconscious. Rushing to the scene they were met with a locked door. TK stepped forward seeing as he was holding the battering ram. He opened the door and then a bang was heard. Suddenly TK fell to the ground. 

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