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"TK, are you busy right now?"
Thalia is anxiously pacing along an empty corridor at the cinema. Owen and her hadn't spoken about what she had called him when he joined her after grabbing some popcorn. Thalia was scared that he hated her calling him Dad while Owen was scared that it was a slip of the tongue and she didn't mean it.
Which led to why Thalia was currently lacing along a corridor why on the phone with TK.

"Yeah, Carlos is picking me up in a bit so I have time."

"I called Dad, Dad."


"He was there when I said it!"

"I'm not really understanding the problem here...."

"He froze and didn't say anything. I don't think he wants me to call him Dad. Oh God what if he kicks me out now. I don't have anywhere else to go!"
TK doesn't respond for a few seconds.

"Thalia,he won't kick you out. I bet that he was just surprised that you called him Dad. I guarantee that he isn't mad that you called him Dad."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now speak to him about it. Not me!"
TK then hangs up. Thalia thinks for a few minutes before going to find Owen again. She had used the excuse that she needed the toilet to go and call TK.
After trying to find him for a few minutes she sees him by the tills with a nervous look on his face. Once she reaches him, she calls out his name to grab his attention.
He looks up and his face relaxes slightly.

"I thought you might have run off."

"Nope, I'm really sorry for calling you Dad by the way."

"NO! There's nothing wrong with you calling me Dad..... Unless if you don't want to or you aren't ready or yeah."

"Wait, you don't mind?"

"No. I would love to be your dad, Thalia. I would love to make up for not being there for so many years."



Thalia suddenly hugs Owen. He just hugs her back.
"Thanks Dad."

Both of them have the biggest smiles on their face to ever exist.
They watch the film and then head home. There isn't any awkward silences or any shaking hands. They feel like a normal dad and daughter. We'll apart from the fact that Thalia uses the word Dad more times in one sentence than anyone has used in their life. But who cares. They're both happy that everything's worked out. That they're family.

When they get home they see that TK has gone out with Carlos, he left a note, and that Gwyn is in a meeting. They then decide to go into Thalia's room and finish sorting out her visa. Its complicated but they've almost finished sorting it out with quite a bit of help from Carlos. Gwyn has also offered a few bits of advice here and there seeing as she is a lawyer. They'll get her to double check it before they send it off but they're happy with it now. Thalia also looks at getting a new phone provider. Unfortunately she wouldn't be able to keep the same number but it wasn't as of she messages people loads. She mainly just Snapchatted people or dm'ed them on Instagram. It wasn't going to be a massive deal when she changed numbers.
A few days ago Owen had sorted out getting a bank account here for her. She had to go into a local branch in a few days to sort out identification and stuff like that but they said they would open it as soon as she got into the branch. Basically everything was coming together.
There wasn't anything that could ruin this....


"America is now heading into a country wide lockdown. Businesses are urged to work at home and schools will transition to online schooling. America is following similar guidelines to other countries already in lockdown. Countries such as England, Australia and Japan."
Thalia looks up from her phone and at the TV. TK and Gwyn were currently watching the news.

"America's entering a lockdown as well?"

TK just hums in response while Gwyn grabs her phone and walks out of the room.

"So what's going to happen now?"

"Honestly, I have no idea."
Thalia just nods. A few seconds later she asks TK another question.

"So do you know when you can go back to work?"

"Well seeing as Dad is the captain of the firehouse, probably longer than if he wasn't captain."

"He just wants you to be safe."

"Yeah well anyway. Soon I'll be going to do some light duty."

"But who am I meant to go to when I'm bored?"

"Maybe makes some friends?"

"I can't believe you! You're so annoying sometimes"
Thalia grinns as she leaves to go to her room and watch a film. She just needs to take her mind off the pandemic that had almost ruined her life. The film managed to do the job and she didn't notice the time until she heard a knock on her door. She looked up to see her Dad standing there.

"Have you seen the news?"
Thalia just nods in response to her Dad's question.

"It looks like Gwyn is going to stay here during the lockdown. She's going to stay here if that's alright?"
Thalia just nods again.

"We're going to watch a film if you want to come and join us?"

"Is there popcorn?"
This time it's Owen who nods.

"Yeah, give me a few minutes and then I'll be there."

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