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Once you had gotten on the bus to go to college you decided that you would message Carlos and see if he could help with you surprising your brother. You thought that you would have to wait a few hours for him to reply seeing as there was a bit of a time difference between England and Texas and also the fact that most people didn't really try and get up at 7am unless if they had to.

Hey Carlos I was wondering if you could help me surprise TK. I was going to see if I could come to Austin next week. Please don't tell him, Thank you

Thalia, I would love to help you surprise TK. I know that he has wanted to come visit you for a while but has never had the chance. However don't you have college? I will not take any part if you are skipping school.

Next week is the start of our half-term, so I wouldn't be missing any school

You can tell that your a policeman 😂

Sure then! Let me know your flight details and I'll come pick you up. Where will you be staying?

I haven't booked my flight yet but I was planning on do that tonight. However I don't really know where I could stay, I don't really want to book a hotel or stay with my dad. I don't know if TK has told you but we've never spoken before

TK has said, you would be welcome to come stay with me. I have a spare room you can use. Let me know if you need any more help

I will, thank you so much

You were really happy that Carlos would be willing to help you. Now to be honest you had no idea why he was up so early in Texas. Maybe he had a shift? That's if Policemen did overnight shifts. Of course they had to do overnight shifts! It wasn't as if criminals stopped when the sun went down.

You went through the rest of your classes in a daze, dreaming about Texas and seeing TK. One of your teachers asked you to stay behind at the end of the lesson but you just said that you were a bit tired. They simply nodded and then let you go back home.

Once you arrived home to started to sort out your plane ticket. You were annoyed that your mum wasn't letting you go so she wouldn't pay for your plane ticket. This meant that you would have to use some of your savings. Despite the fact that some of your savings were locked away until you wee 18,you still had enough money in some of your savings account to buy a ticket. You had to message Carlos and ask him which airport to fly to but he had messaged you back and told you. Once you had booked it you had sent him an screenshot of your booking.

Around 30 minutes later you got another message from TK asking if you were free for a facetime. You responded with a yes and then immediately got a facetime call from TK.

"Hello dearest brother of mine, everything alright?"

You were kind of scared that Carlos had told TK about your plans to visit him.

"Ah nothing, I'm just a bit bored. I've only been on bed rest for like a day and I'm so bored"

"To be honest I would prefer to be on bedrest than to do all this work I'm being set. There's way to much to do before next week."

"Don't you have a break next week?"

"Yes, but I really need to complete it before I go..."

Thalia froze before talking again.

"I really want to have that break free of homework and work. I know that I'm still going have to revise but I just want to be rid of homework."

"Ah I don't miss that. Homework was a massive pain in the ass"

"Yeah it's alright for you Mr I'm A Firefighter And I Know Exactly What I want To Do With My Life"

TK lets out a laugh and then grimaces slightly.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah it just hurts a bit to laugh."

"Oh sorry..."

"No it isn't your fault. It was quite nice to be honest. Everyone's treating me like I'm fragile."

"Oh well, I don't apologise at all"

"Right then, that's really nice of you then"

"So going back to our conversation last night, who's Carlos?"

TK sighs and opens his mouth but Thalia interrupts him.

"Don't you dare say that it's nothing. You and I both know that something is happening between you to"

"Uh right then. He and I are friends but like a little bit more?"

"So friends with benefits or linking"


"Yeah, like when you aren't friends but you aren't dating. Like you are almost dating but you aren't"

"Oh so that awkward stage where no one knows what you are"


"So are you linking with anyone"

TK wiggles his eyebrows.

"Nope, so what about you and Carlos?"

"You just don't forgot anything do you?"

"No I don't so you should stop trying to change the conversation. You and Carlos...."

"So we did have a bit of a friends with benefits thing but now I think we're linking/dating. We haven't put a label on it yet. But Dad's found out about us."


"Yeah Carlos came in while I was in the coma and Dad asked about it when I woke up.
It was kinda awkward."

"Where is Owen now?"

"Uh he's in the other room."

"Could you maybe tell him that I want to speak to him"

"Uh what"

TK stays frozen in the screen with his mouth open in shock

"I want to start a relationship with Owen."

"Yeah, just give me a second Thalia"

Thalia stayed in her bed thinking while TK went to find Owen. Thalia knew that if she was going to go to Austin she might as well start a relationship with her Dad. Even if her mum didn't want her to.

"Uh here he is Thalia"

"Thanks TK"

"Hi Thalia, I'm really sorry for running off before you were born."

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