23🔥Signature Look

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Both Marjan and Thalia would say that the shopping trip went well. TK, however, would say that it was the most boring day of his life. He literally just trailed after Marjan and Thalia all day. They were getting on really well but TK got really bored. Sure it was fun for the first half an hour but as soon as they went into their third shop, TK grew restless. He continued to message Carlos throughout the day. Multiple of those messages included he words 'come save me. This is torture that is killing me....'

Carlos had stopped responding after the first hundred messages. He was at work and attending to real emergencies. Not ones that involved TK's sister and his co-worker/friend.

After the shopping trip, they all went to go grab a drink from Costa. TK had wanted to go to Starbucks but both Marjan and Thalia wanted Costa so TK had been outnumbered. When they got to Costa, Marjan paid for their drinks and cakes. That was one thing that Thalia had learnt from today. Americans don't include tax on the price tag. It was quite confusing when she had brought her clothes to the till and the price was more than expected. Thalia was about to bring it up when Marjan must have noticed her confusion. Marjan had explained it after they had paid for their stuff. Thalia didn't understand why they couldn't put the tax on the price tag. But Marjan then said that there was different taxes for different products because they came from different states so it would be too much work for staff.

After Costa Thalia had quickly mentioned something to Marjan which meant that they needed to go to another store. TK had asked why they needed to go to yet another store but they didn't reply instead they just told him to stay in the car. They would be back in a few minutes.


Thalia needed some period products. She didn't really want TK there when she was getting it so she had asked Marjan to help her get it without TK being there. She was expecting her period in a few days but she figured that she would be a little bit late due to stress.

Her life had been extremely stressful recently.  She knew that she wouldn't be able to go back to England for quite a while. She didn't have any exams at the end of the year but apparently her grades would come from mocks that she had done and what her teachers said her predicted grades were.

They got everything that Thalia needed plus a few bars of chocolates and some packets of sweets. They then made their way back to the car. As they approached the car they saw TK laying across the back seats.

"We might want to do something that he likes to do. I think he's gotten a bit bored today."

Marjan just nodded before entering the car.

"So TK, anything you want to do before I drop you at home."

"I would really like it if we could just get home. Please tell me  we aren't going to another shop."


"Oh thank god. I was getting so bored."

"We could tell..."

When they arrived home, Marjan helped bring some of the bags in. TK went into the kitchen to make some smoothies. They were all slightly hungry and tired. They had been on their feet all day. Thalia had started to take all her new clothes upstairs when TK walked out of the kitchen with 3 smoothies in hand.

"Please say that you didn't put protein powder in these."

TK laughed at your comment.

"No. That's only Dad who puts protein powder in them."


You continued to take your stuff upstairs. Once you finished you sat in the kitchen with Marjan and TK. You all talked for a little while before Marjan went. Once she left, you and TK decided to go and watch a film. TK had picked the a TV show. This time he picked a show that they were both interested in, instead of the one like last time. 

They were still watching the TV show when Owen walked in. Owen had covered for one of the people on the alternate side of the schedule. They needed a few hours off so Owen offered to cover for them. 

"So how was your shopping trip?"

Before Thalia could respond, TK replied to Owen's question.

"Boring. Do you want to know how many stores we went into? Too many!"

"We did not! We went into like 5."

Owen was laughing at TK.

"5 isn't even that bad...."

"That's because you go into like 10 different stores just to get all of your hair treatment."

TK then turned to face Thalia as he continued his sentence.

"Dad is afraid of hair loss!"

"I am not! I just need to keep my signature look."

Thalia just smiled at their conversation.

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