22🔥Pair of Toddlers

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Thalia spends the next few days ordering new bits and bobs for her room. Owen offers to buy all of it as long as he knows what she is actually ordering.  Unfortunately Thalia's mum never gets back to her about all the stuff in her old room so she figures that she isn't going to get any of it back. Thalia only has enough clothes for a week so she definitely needs more clothes.  TK says that he is going to take her shopping in a few hours to get some more clothes. He asked if Marjan could come as well. He knew that he wouldn't be loads of help when it came to get clothes for her so he wanted to bring Marjan. 

Thalia was happy to have Marjan come. Sure it would be a little weird but Thalia wanted to get to know the 126 as they were like family to TK and Owen. Especially now that she was going to live here with TK and her Dad. Also Marjan had a great sense of style so Marjan could actually help her with clothes. Rather than TK who would just throw on a top and jeans. Sometimes he threw on a jumper as well but that wasn't extremely often.

Owen was planning to have Thalia come and have dinner at the firehouse the day that Gwyn (TK's mother arrived). Hopefully by having a dinner at the firehouse it would help make things a little less awkward. TK and Owen were not really looking forward  Gwyn arriving while Thalia would be there.  Gwyn probably wouldn't be happy that Owen's affair child was staying there while she was. Even though Owen and Gwyn weren't together when she was conceived.

They hadn't really talked about it and they were just kind of ignoring it. Owen had messaged Gwyn and told her that his daughter from a hook-up was staying with TK and him. Gwyn was yet to respond and Owen wasn't really forward to her reply.


"So Marjan's picking us up?"

"Yeah. Dad still doesn't want me to drive."

"I mean, fair enough. You did get shot so...."

"You keep bringing that up and it gets more annoying each time you do."

"It isn't my fault you got shot."

"So did Dad give you money then?"

"Yeah, he gave me some cash. He said that you needed to check what we get before we buy it though. I really need to sort out a card or something. I don't think my card works here. I guess I need to sort out transferring bank accounts then."

"Well you might want to sort out the visa first. Why do I need to check what you get though?"

"Uh Dad said that he would sort that out. But to be honest I don't know why you should be checking what I'm getting either. You have like no fashion taste."

TK was shocked when Thalia called Owen, Dad. But he just figured that she hadn't realised that she had called him Dad.

"I definitely have fashion taste!"

"Didn't know we were calling it that now..."  

TK is about to respond when the doorbell rings.

"I guess that Marjan is here then."

They open the door to see Marjan standing there.

"Hi Marjan. I'm really sorry that I wasn't there to say good-bye the other night."

"Oh no, that's totally fine. Jet-lag really sucks sometimes. So I heard that you're going to be staying in Texas for a while. "

"Yeah turns out that if there is a global pandemic going on then you can't exactly go back to England."

"Well let's go shopping then"

Before Marjan had even finished her sentence both TK and Thalia were racing to the front seat of the car. There was a bit of pushing and shouting but eventually TK was at the front door to the car.

"You should be resting not running"

Thalia was moaning at TK.

"Now I see why Cap didn't want to take you two shopping. Thalia gets shotgun."

Both of them turned to face Marjan. Thalia had a grin on her while TK was there with his mouth open in shock.

"Wha...How is that fair?"

Thalia then turned to face TK.

"Sorry who is the adult here and should know how to compromise."

"If being an adult means that I don't get to ride shotgun then I want to be a teenager again."

"Well fine then, you can do all of my schoolwork and homework."

Marjan had entered the car while they were arguing and decided that she would turn the car on while they were arguing. Hopefully the fear that they would get left behind would stop the arguing and get them to hurry up.

It did. Both Thalia and TK rushed towards the car. In the end both Thalia and TK were sitting in the back like told off toddlers.

"I get shotgun on the way back..."

"No way!"

Marjan turned around and glared at the pair of them.

Fire At HomeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon