1| Soulmate

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'A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament.'

This is the definition of soulmate you'll get from Merriam-Webster.

But what exactly is a soulmate?

Have you ever found a soulmate in real life?

You've just dreamed sitting in one of your history classes about marrying your high school crush, but when you find out how much of a douchebag he is, your dreams get crushed. Or you've thought of the boy next door to be the 'one', but when you see him making love with the high school bit*h, you wake up from that dream. To think that the most handsome guy on the planet smiled at you, meaning he is your baby daddy.

There are many stories of people who found their soulmate... they thought they found them, but after one or two years of their marriage, they find they were wrong. We live a life full of dreams, which is not a bad thing, but when you wake up from that beautiful dream it hurts.

We watch movies and read books about people finding their love and living happily ever after. But do you ever wonder how they even spend their lives after? Why does the story always end on that? Because for a fact we all know that it isn't the actual ending, and that's when the real hardship begins.

It's just an illusion for us poor dream seekers to play with our little hearts that life is easy and it always ends on a cheerful note. But in reality, this is all fake. My advice to you all is to not fall for this shit. Don't waste your precious time finding the soul mate- which doesn't even exist- and try to find a better job and career, because that's the only thing that'll put food in your stomach and keep you alive.

Article by,
Amber Katz.

My lips automatically curved into a grin when I read my name.

Damn, I'm good!

I peeked from the paper to the person sitting in front of me and my grin faded away when I saw the choleric look, Mr. Hudson, aka Chief Editor, gave me from the opposite side.

His forehead creased as he raised his brows at me waiting for my answer.

"I don't see any problem in it." I plopped the paper on his desk, pushing it in front of him.

"You don't see any problem?" He watched me with his penetrating gaze. "Amber..." He let out a sigh and massaged his forehead. "I asked you to write something about the reality of love right?"

"And that is what I did." I gestured toward my amazing article. "It's the reality and I'm sure a lot of them are going to agree with it."

He took deep breaths trying to calm himself. "I can't publish this stuff."

"Why not?"

"Do you think people would like to read something like this?"

"No. But that's the thing." I shifted in my seat, scooting closer to him, and said in a low voice. "People don't like to hear the truth and that's our job-" He got up from his seat, coming towards my side. I followed him with my gaze and continued. "-as journalists and reporters to let them know the truth." I finished, standing up from my seat.

"You are a good kid Amber." He put his hand on my shoulder and walked towards the door with me. "You know it's difficult to get a job in one of the most recognized media companies in New York, right? And I only give you this job because you're my niece and I see great potential in you. You can do better than this."

"Job as a sub, sub, sub writer." I scoffed.

"You climb the ladder step by step, and if you want to continue this job and get promoted, bring me something good."

"Then give me something else to write, uncle," I whined.

"Find a topic yourself then." He stopped at his office door and patted my shoulder. "And it's Mr. Hudson for you, Miss Katz."

"But I-"


And he slammed the door.


My shoulders slumped as I lumbered towards my little cubical. Collapsing on my seat, I put my arms on my desk and plunked my head down, groaning loudly.

"How did it go?" An amused voice came from behind.

"How do you think?" I mumbled.

"I think it was a great article." Kayla snickered.

I leaned back in my seat, looking at my one and only friend in this hell. "Of course, you thought that." I narrowed my eyes at her.

Before showing it to unc- I mean Mr. Hudson, I let Kayla read it, and she laughed her guts out at me.

"I'm sure many people are out there who are anti-lovers like you." She gave me her sarcastic smile, blinking her big brown eyes at me innocently.

"Ha, ha hilarious." I rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration. "It's not my fault he gave me to write about f**king love. I mean, I'm an investigative journalist, or I should be after wasting my four years in college, and instead of going out there investigating crimes and stuff, he asked me to write about love!"

"I know what you need right now," Kayla said, looking at me intensely with her sparkling eyes. "You need to get a guy." She stated, twirling her raven black hair around her finger.

"Seriously?" I looked at her deadpan.

"Yes!" she exclaimed giving me a once-over. "You're beautiful, work in an amazing company, even though you're not in a prominent position yet, you are a redhead and I know how guys desire you-" I scoffed. "-And you are twenty-three! How long are you planning to stay single?"


"My dating life is none of your concern." I gave her a stern look.

She smirked. "You mean lack of it."

"I date... and like to fool around." I blurted and avoided eye contact with her.

"Come on Amber. We have been friends for years now and I haven't seen you going on a date once."

"Because I don't want to waste my precious time on guys. You only live once." I said as a matter of fact.

"Exactly!" She screamed, and our co-workers turned their heads looking at her in irritation.

"How is dating even related to this?" I crossed my arms and arched my brows at her.

"It's related to everything." She said in a duh tone. "You are getting uptight these days, so it's time to loosen up." I opened my mouth to argue, but she beat me to it. "And I know a perfect place for it. We are going to have so much fun!" She squealed, looking excited already.

"Are you sure you're doing this for me?" I smirked. "And not because of that filthy ex, who you thought was your soul mate, caught up in an act of sin."

"Don't even mention that a**hole." She scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Okay," I said, turning my seat towards my desk and tried to close the topic but Kayla put her foot stopping me.

"You are not getting away from me that easily." She narrowed her eyes at me. "We are going out tonight."

"It's Friday and we have work tomorrow too."

"So what?" She looked at me in disbelief. "We're not high schoolers, we are adults." She huffed, crossing her arms.

We argued for a while about going out or not, then I finally gave in. Kayla squealed loudly and earned a few glares from our colleagues which made her shrink and get back to her desk.

I sighed and turned towards my computer, thinking about the topic for my story but came up with nothing.

Maybe I do need a night out.

• • • • •


Welcome to the journey of soulmates...

I haven't found mine yet... But I do believe in them and hopefully, I'll find mine too 😌

For now, let's move to the next chapter!

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