17| Thalassophobia

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I drove out of Candice’s shitty apartment to mine. Finlay was confused why I didn’t go straight to his.

“First, I’m hella sleepy and I need to rest.” I yawned, opening my apartment door. “And second, if we go at night to your house. I’ll have to use a flashlight to see and when the neighbors or people passing by will see lights coming out of the guy’s house who is in a coma. They’ll call the police.” I explained, locking the door and going to my room. “We’ll go in the morning and no one will suspect.”

“You’ve thought this through.” He looked at me like I was the smartest person in this world.

“I’m just using my brain.” I shrugged and plopped on my bed without changing from the dress. It was Sunday so I didn't need to worry about work. “Now I’m taking a nap don’t disturb me,” I mumbled.

I heard him chuckle and whispered something like a sweet dream, but I was already in a daze to pay attention to it.

• • • • •

My body suddenly felt cold, making me shiver. I peeked through my eye to see I was underwater again. After having nightmares like this every night, I got used to it and knew it was a dream.

I swam around looking for the little girl again but found her nowhere. Frowning, I glanced up when I felt something move and saw a silhouette coming toward me. It was black and was bigger than a little girl.

Suddenly fear overwhelmed me and I tried to back away, but I couldn’t move. I felt something on my leg and looked down to see a pondweed wrapping around my leg. That made me panic, and I kicked my leg to get it off, but it kept growing. My eyes widened, and I glanced up again to see the shadow coming closer to me and a hand came into my view.

I screamed and kicked my legs, but nothing worked and the hand was almost near my face when I jolted up.

Screaming, I jerked up and fell off my bed with a thud.

“F**k!” I winced and lay on my back.

“Amber? Are you alright?” Finlay’s concerned voice rang in my ears, but I let my eyes shut.

“No Fin. I’m not.” I gritted through my teeth and covered my eyes with my arm.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He kept asking me about my nightmares, but I never told him.

What was the use?

He won’t understand it.


“Please, Amber.” I peeked through my eyes and saw his face right in front of me. “Let it out. It’ll help you.”

Gulping, I darted my eyes between his ocean-blue ones and saw my reflection. They were so gorgeous, and there was something about his eyes.

“I have nightmares of drowning in water.” He frowned, and I sat up on the floor with crossed legs. “I-I was a kid when this happened to me and I don’t even remember much of it, but since then I have thalassophobia.” I sighed, running my hands over my sweaty face.

“Did you have them before?”

“No...” I shook my head. “I never had nightmares until I met you.”

“Me?” He frowned, and I got up from the floor. “Maybe it has something to do with the fact that only you can see me.”

“Not sure.” I sighed, walking towards the bathroom. “I never met you before the club and the incidence of me drowning was like... When I was around six or something.”

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