25| Hearing

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His shoulders slumped in defeat and hurt flashed in his ocean eyes. I crossed my arms around me, fighting the urge to hug him. He darted his eyes across my face as if waiting for me to say, 'Gotcha, I'm joking!' but that wasn't the case.

"Leave me alone Finlay." I sternly said when he said nothing. "I'm done with this bullsh*t of looking for a way to put you back in your body and I'm done with you."

"Fine." He took a step back. "If this is what you want, then I'll leave you alone." He whirled on his heels and strode the other way, not before mumbling. "Sorry for disturbing your life."

Tears built in my eyes, and I wanted to scream and stop him. But what was the use? I ruined everything for myself because of my obsession. I bit my cheek as I watched him and something inside me crushed.

My heart?

Ignoring to agonizing pain inside me, I turned the other way and sensed eyes on me. I looked around and saw the people walking by staring at me like I escaped from the asylum and that's when it clicked that I was shouting at him in front of all these people.

But I didn't care about it this time.

F**k you all.

I lumbered to my office and was sent straight to my uncle's room. He was inside talking to my lawyer.

"We have set the preliminary hearing for tomorrow after the DNA results come back. The sooner we get out of this, the better." Uncle said to me when I stepped into the room.

Gulping, I sat on the couch and watched them discuss the case. I had no idea what I'll do when the test comes out tomorrow and they'll know it was me. How will I convince them it was just for investigation and I wasn't the one involved in the accident?

"When the prosecution can not prove that you were engaged in criminal activity. I'll file a motion asking a judge to dismiss the charges." My lawyer, Mr. Wolf, passes me a smile. "Then there will be no need for the trails."

Mr. Wolf is a handsome widower and has worked with my uncle for a very long time. I didn't doubt his skills, as he's one of the best lawyers.

After hours of discussion, I went to my apartment to get a rest. My mind was swirled with scenarios that will happen tomorrow. Kicking off my shoes, I plopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

There was pin-drop silence in my apartment. I've lived years like this and this was the first time it bothered me and I knew why. Shaking my head, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

• • • • •

The next day at the preliminary hearing, I was sitting in the court with my uncle and Mr. Wolf in the front. I glanced behind and saw Kayla waving at me. She was sitting with Micheal, Paige, Bill, and the two guys who spilled a drink on me at the nightclub.

My alibis.

I did nothing wrong, but still, I was scared as sh*t just because of my f**king hair. I loved my red hair, but today I hated them.

The other side of the court was also filled with reporters and Agents but Conner and Oliver were nowhere to be found.

A guy came and whispered something into my uncle's ears, making him scoff. He whispered something back and the guy left.

"What's going on?"

We'd been sitting here for almost half an hour and the judge was still not here. Neither were the two officers.

"They don't have the test." My uncle gave me a smug grin. "Something happened last night when the test was in process."

"What?" I frowned.

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