45| Awakening

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Blinking at the closed door, I tried to interpret Fergus's words.

Henry made Aurora's life miserable, and she couldn't raise Finlay like that. As a mother, she couldn't take Fergus away from his parents, so she left for Pennsylvania with her son.

A few minutes later, the rest of the Cockburns came to check on me. Dolina kissed me all over my face and thanked me again and again for saving her grandson, making me flush.

They all were surprised by what Blair and Angus were cooking under their noses and thought they were doing this because of their business greed. No one mentioned Finlay destroying the business, and that made me realize they didn't know about it.

They told me the doctors have let no one meet Finlay and wanted to make sure of his recollection.

After hours of being under observation, the doctors prescribed me some medicines and discharged me with a huge amount of bill that Fergus paid for.

I thanked him for it and he dismissed it by saying I did more than that by saving his son's life. No matter what Finlay did, Fergus still loved his son. Though he didn't show it, I could feel it.

Sitting in the cafeteria I ate my lunch while everyone was waiting to meet Finlay in the lobby. My face scrunched when I took a bite of the dry sandwich.

Even this tastes like medicine.

Picking up my coffee, I took a sip of it and leaned back in the chair. I grabbed my phone and stared at the missed calls from my uncle and Kayla.

It was Monday and I should be at work, but how can I tell them I just got out of a life-and-death situation and want a long relaxing week?

A figure came into my vision and I glanced up to see Neil sitting in front of me.

"Gwd to see ye breathin' again." He chuckled. I knew he was trying to lighten the mood, but failed miserably.

I darted my eyes over his tired face. He had dark eye bags like he haven't slept for ages. The carefree expression he had was replaced with a rigid one. I knew he was good at masking it, but sometimes people give in.

"How is Finlay?" I put my phone back in my pocket.

"The doctors gae him some medicines, an' he'z sleepin' for now." He plopped his back on his seat.

"His condition?"

"He'z been panickin' since he woke up an' the doctors said it'z normal as for the poison. Blair was givin' him some kind of slow thallium poisonin' an' she gae too much in the last shot to kill him. The doctors gae him antidotes an' flushed the poison out of his body."

Nodding my head, I gulped the coffee and processed his words.

"How did they find out what poison it was so quickly?"

"The test results came out yesterday." He answered calmly and my brows shot up. I remembered the doctor who took Finlay's blood sample after I found out he was getting injected.

"You knew?" I looked at him in disbelief. "What didn't you say anything?"

"The doctor iz our family friend. Ah told him to first inform meh. When he did, ah waz shocked because ah had naw idea who an' why would anyone do that to him." He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. "First, ah suspected ye."

"If it was me. Why would I tell anyone about it?"

"Ah ken that's why ah said nothing an' asked the doctors to give Finlay antidotes widh his other medicines." That's why the poison didn't affect him that much. "Ah kept quiet because ah dinnae want to alert whoever was doing it."

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