28| Scotland

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“His name is what?!” I shrieked, jumping on my bed.

“Finlay Reed. He was a young ten-year-old boy and looked Scottish. Don’t you remember him?”

“I... don’t.” I sat tongue-tied.

“He came to check up on you at the hospital too, and then you became friends with him.” She finally stopped crying and I could hear the happiness in her voice. “He called you Phoenix.”

“A what?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“Phoenix. He said you were reborn since you almost died and also you were red and reminded him of it. He was into mythical creatures.”

That’s why he called me Phoenix on the first night I met him.

Means... He remembered me!

“You’re saying I became friends with him, so why I don’t remember?”

“You were only six, and you played with him and his mother for only a few days.”

Now that made sense why she looked familiar, too.

“Do you know his mother?”

“Aurora Reed.” She whispered. “I didn’t know her well, only that she was sick and was admitted to the same hospital you were in.”

“Then what happened?” I asked, even though had a feeling.

“The poor woman died a few weeks later and the last I know of Finlay, he moved to Scotland again with his father and that’s all. But to this day, I still think of him in my prayers and hope he is healthy and happy.”

I gulped at that and said nothing related to his accident. Finlay saved my life when I was a kid. I never believed in these things, but maybe meeting him again was fate.

And wait... He moved with his father to Scotland.

Why the f**k he isn’t a Cockburn?

Another mystery to this case.

“Amber... Hello, are you listening?”

“Mom, there is one more thing.” I slumped on my bed and stared at his picture.


“I think I pushed away a guy I like.”

“You think or you did?” I paused at that, then sighed.

“I did.”


“I don’t know...” I mumbled, fingering my thumb over his picture. "Because I'm stupid."

“I know you are a career-oriented person Amber and you did everything to make a life for yourself. Now, look where it got you.” I glanced around my room. “Are you where you wanted to be?”

“Almost there.”

“But are you happy?” I bit my lip as tears build in my eyes. “I’m not saying to leave your career or your passion, my darling, but don’t get so engrossed in it and forget to be happy.”

“What do I do now?”

“Did he make you happy?”

“Very...” Bobbing my head, I blink my tears to get rid of the tears.

“Then go get him.”

“I think that’s not possible considering he left the country,”

“So what?”

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