21| Cockburn

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After eating my sandwich, we drove toward my apartment again. We sat in my living room with my laptop and googled Aurora Reed.

Narrowing the search to New York University, we finally found a few Auroras, and, after searching for hours, we found Finlay's mother.

The woman in the group graduation photo was the same as the one in the box, only this one was a younger version.

"She's beautiful," I mumbled as I looked at the other people in the picture and my eyes caught a guy.

He looked exactly like Finlay, except that he had dark brown eyes.

"Is he..." I pointed at him and saw Finlay frown.

"My father." He confirmed.

I looked for a Fergus in the same year and there weren't many guys of this name, so it was easy to look. I listed down a few Fergus, but one of them stood out.

Fergus Cockburn.

It wasn't a common American name, so I opened a new tab and wrote his name.

The same guy, only his older version, showed up on the screen.

"You found him," Finlay murmured beside me.

"He's a f**king business tycoon." I scrolled down and read his description.

Turned out his father owned a whiskey business in Scotland which he inherited from his father under the name of Cockburn.

"Conner was right about them being rich." He frowned.

"And what the f**k is, Cockburn?" I searched, and it was a clan in Scotland.

"It's pronounced as Coburn." He pointed at the screen.

"But it's written Cock here." I chuckled. "No wonder you changed it to Reed."

"You've got a dirty mind, Amber." He smirked, and I gulped, glancing at his lips.

"Oh, you have no idea." My eyes darted from his lips to his eyes.

The intensity of his gaze melted me on the couch. I watched his gaze deliberately glide from my eyes to my lips and they suddenly felt dry. I didn't know what was going on in my head, but I leaned toward him.

But before I could embarrass myself by passing through his face, the doorbell rang, making me halt.

"Are you expecting someone?" He asked, still dazed.

"Not that I know of any," I mumbled and got off the couch.

What are you thinking Amber?!

Control yourself!

I felt my face heating, and I shook my head as I walked toward the door. I peeked through the peephole and sighed when I saw angry Kayla on the other side.

"It's my friend." I narrowed my eyes at Finlay. "So behave."

"Don't I always." He gave me a cocky grin, and I rolled my eyes at him.

Plastering a smile on my face, I yanked the door open.

"Kayla! What a surprise-"

"What is wrong with you Amber?!" she scowled as she stormed into my apartment.

"What do you mean?" I acted obviously as I closed the door and followed her to the living room.

"You were at Soul Groove last night." She crossed her arms. "Don't even ask how I know about it."

"Micheal really needs to learn when to shut up," I grumbled.

"And you need to tell me exactly what is going on." She huffed. "Your obsession with Reed is getting weird."

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