41| Summerhall

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"Fergus wants Neil to have the business, and he was planning to announce it tonight at the festival, but Neil yelled he doesn't want it, and well... They had a terrible fight."

Looks like Neil was honest with me about not wanting the business.

I was about to open my mouth but stopped when I heard Isla giggling at something Blair said. I placed the comb on the dressing table and turned toward the girls, who were still doing their makeup.

"I'm ready." They looked at me, and I jerked my thumb toward the door. "I just need to get my phone. I forgot it in my room."

"Awright, we er almost done." Isla beamed.

"Meet uz at the gates then," Blair said.

"Sure..." I mumbled and slipped out of the room in a hurry.

When we were out of earshot, I glared at Finlay.

"First, never go MIA on me like that again. I was worried sick for you-" I halted when I saw the smirk on his face.

"Nice to know you care."

"Shut up," I growled. "And second, why has Fergus brought this topic up now?"

"According to him, this was their chance to name it to Neil since Fergus is retiring and I'm in a coma." Finlay shrugged.

"I still need to figure out why Neil doesn't want it," I murmured, walking towards the gate since I already had my phone in my back pocket. "And why Fergus couldn't wait for you to wake up before announcing this sh*t. Something is going on which we're not aware of."

When I reached the gates, I saw Neil in a tuxedo leaning against his Audi. He peeked up from his phone when he heard my boots and gave me a once over.

"Wow... Ye look... Stunnin'." I almost tripped on air when he said the exact words of his brother.

"She's my fiancée, Scabby Bassa," Finlay grumbled, and I felt giddy at his words.

"Um..." I cleared my throat and gave Neil an appreciative smile. "Thank you and... I could say the same about you."

He looked nice in his black notch lapel tuxedo suit with a white shirt underneath it. I couldn't help but imagine how smoking hot Finlay will look in a tux.

"Glad ye like it." He winked, while Finlay scoffed.

"So... Where's everyone else?" I asked, looking around. There were only a few cars parked and no one else was there.

"The elders already left." He answered, taking his keys out of his pocket. "Alistair will take his fiancée, and Isla will go with Angus."

"And me?" I frowned.

"Ah'll be yer es'cort for the night." He grinned, opening the passenger door for me.

"What about Finlay?" I asked.

He told me Mr. Butler and the maids will take care of him while we were gone. I wasn't sure about it, but I had no choice and sat in the car. He told me about the festivals that happened last year on our way to the event. The festival is held in the Summerhall in Edinburgh and we reached it in no time.

• • • • •

Summerhall is an art complex and events venue in Edinburgh. I followed Neil as he showed me the music concert to the arts and tasted different whiskeys. After an hour of looking around, his father called him and he went with him the preparation for the tasting competition.

"It's a nice place," I mumbled to Finlay.

"It feels familiar." He answered, looking around.

I stood near the window and watched the people as I sipped my drink. Rosa and Dolina introduced me to many people, and I got tired of meeting them, knowing I won't ever see them again, so what was the use?

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