5| Coma

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The bag of Cheetos slipped from my hand. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish as I stared at the guy in front of me.

"You can see me." He looked at me in disbelief, then chuckled. "You can see me!" He repeated, sounding enthusiastic.

"What the f**k?!" I screamed, finally getting my voice back. "What- how- why..." I trailed off, glancing at the TV behind him on which the news of his accident was still going on.

"Thank God, there's someone who can see me! I was about to get mad!" He said, making me look at him again.

"What are you even doing here?!" I yelled, observing him from head to toe. He looked perfectly healthy, still in the same clothes he wore last night, and not even a hair on his body looked damaged. "Y-you should be in the ICU right now!"

"I am, and that's the problem." He groaned, rubbing his hands over his face, then looked at me. "But I'm glad I found you." He beamed.

"What the-"

"Amber!" I whirled my head towards Paige, who was giving me a murderous glare. "Come here this instant!"

I obeyed her and ran towards her. "Paige, you won't believe who I just sa-"

"What do you think you're doing shouting like that?!" she growled.

"Don't blame me! I got surprised when I saw him!" I said, pointing at Finlay.

"Who?" Her brows knitted in confusion.

"Fin-" I paused in mid-sentence when I saw the place empty, only the bag of Cheetos on the ground. "Where did he go?" I stepped forward to look for him, but Paige grabbed my arm, making me halt.

"There's no one there, Katz. You were shouting by yourself." She snapped, looking around.

I followed her gaze and roamed my eyes around the room. Heat crawled up my neck when I saw everyone staring at me like I was a madwoman.

"B-but I- taking to- and he was-"

"Amber." She calmly said, but the look she gave me was nowhere near calm.

"Yes, Paige?" I blinked my eyes in confusion.

"There was no one there." She leaned towards my ear and whispered. "If you want to work with me, then don't do such insane things to embarrass me again, or else I'll kick you out of this case." She glowered.

I glanced back at the place. "But-"

"This was strike one for you, Miss Katz." She said, backing away. "Now follow me." She said and without waiting for me, she walked away.

I scowled, walking behind her, and ducked my head as everyone looked at me like a weirdo. I glanced one more time where Finlay was standing, and saw a lady cleaning the mess of Cheetos I made.

Was I imagining him?

I groaned, rubbing my hands over my face, and ranked them through my hair. "Maybe I'm still having a hangover," I mumbled to myself.

I saw Dr. Robert ahead with Paige and followed them. They went to another floor, and I saw more doctors and nurses there.

"This is Mr. Reed's room." He gestured towards the door ahead. "After the operation, we transferred him here, but he hasn't woken up..."

The doctor told her the details about his injuries and broken bones, but I couldn't concentrate. I cast a glance at the door and saw a nurse going inside. My whole body itched with curiosity. I had to go inside and see him with my own eyes. Otherwise, I'll go mad.

I discreetly moved away from Dr. Robert and Paige and went inside the room. I stayed behind the wall and peeked toward the bed.

I took a quick sharp inhale when I saw Finlay lying on the bed, lifeless. There were tubes attached to him and machines beeping all around him. I glanced at his face, half of which was covered with a bandage. I gulped as my eyes roamed over his body.

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