10| Back to Groove

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After hours of research, I still wasn’t able to come up with a way to put him in his body. As for him, I glanced at Finlay and saw him still struggling to move the holder.

“That’s enough,” I announced and closed my laptop. “Maybe it’s not supposed to work like this-“

“Naw, I can do it.” He cut me off and threw daggers at the poor penholder. “I know I can.”

“Ok... You do your thing. I’m starving.” I got up from my bed and walked toward the kitchen. “Would you like to eat something?” I stopped at the doorframe and turned to look at Finlay, who was squinting his eyes at me. “Just asking, Dude.” I put my hands in surrender and backed away, chuckling.

I made myself a Baked Ranch Chicken with Bacon and ate my meal sitting on the couch with crossed legs. Switching the channels to watch the news, I was surprised to see there wasn’t a single piece of news about Finlay and his condition.

Conner was serious about the confidential part.

I glanced at the wall clock, and it was around six. I switched the TV off to get ready for the club when I heard Finlay shouting.

“I did it!” I jolted to my room and saw him bouncing on his steps like a kid.


He snapped his head towards me and grinned. “I moved it! Here, let me show you.”

I watched as he extended his hand in front and his face turned seriously making him look extra hot-


I glanced at the penholder and my eyes widened when I saw it floating a few inches from the floor. After a second, it fell to the floor again.

“Woah,” I mumbled in a low voice, not believing what I saw.

“I need to practice more to keep it because it’s difficult to concentrate but... I did it!” Finlay beamed, looking proud of himself.

“Congratulations.” I clapped my hands and grinned. “You’re getting the hang of this soul thing.”

“Thanks.” He rubbed the back of his neck as his ears turned red.

Cute and hot.

Damn... This guy is everything.

I continued to stare at him as he slowly met my eyes with his sparkling ocean ones and his lips stretched into a smile, making me swoon over his dimples. I cleared my throat and looked away from him.

“Uh... We need to get ready.” I said, moving towards the bathroom.


“It’s time to go back to Soul Groove.”

• • • • •

I parked my car in the lot and saw the entrance was empty. It was still early for people to arrive at the nightclub. I glanced at the passenger seat and frowned at Finlay.

“How are you able to sit?”

“Honestly... I don’t know.” He replied, confused.

Nodding my head, I got out of the car and went straight to the club. I passed a smile to the bouncer, who gave me a poker face. I sighed in relief when I saw Michael at the bar. There were still many people but not packed like last time.

“I’ve been here before,” Finlay muttered, standing beside me as he observed the club.

“This is where we met,” I answered him and we walked towards the bar. “Do you remember anything?” He shook his head.

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