20| Hoodie guy

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I scurried everything in the box and grabbed it in my arms.

"What do we do now?!" I whispered to Finlay, looking for a place to hide.

I didn't know who was behind it, but I definitely didn't want them to see me.

"In my room." He said and ran towards the bedroom.

Groaning, I followed him, and he stood beside his wooden wardrobe.

"We won't fit!" I gritted through my teeth.

"We don't have a choice!"

We both fought over hiding in the wardrobe like an old married couple, and it was stupid, considering the situation we were in. Our eyes widened when we heard the door open. Without wasting another second, I got inside the wardrobe with Finlay and closed the door.

There was silence in the apartment except for the footsteps echoing. My chest was heaving in deep breaths and I tightened my grip on the box. There was darkness in the wardrobe except for a little ray of light coming from the gap in the door.

I glanced at Finlay, who was standing in front of me. I angled my neck a little and looked up to see him already watching me. We were standing really close to each other and the only thing in the middle of us was his wooden box. His eyes darted over my face, then to my parted lips, and my stomach flipped.

Is he thinking what I think he is thinking-

I flinched when I heard the shattering sound of glass. A lot of rambling sounds came from the living room. My eyes bugged out at the sounds, and I stared at Finlay. He opened his mouth to say something but halted when the footsteps entered the bedroom.

Gulping, I peeked through the gap and saw a guy in a hoodie looking around the room and his back towards me. I watched as he threw things around, searching for something. He ruined the neatly set bed and flipped the mattress.

"What is he doing?" Finlay whispered, watching him as well.

"No idea," I mumbled and jerked back when he turned. "F**k. He's coming here." I panicked.

"What do we do?" Finlay asked, running fingers through his hair and when his elbow passed the wooden door, my brain clicked.

"F**k Fin, you're a ghost. He can't see you!" I scolded him. "Go out and distract him before he finds me!"

"Oh, right." He gave me a sheepish smile and took a deep breath as he walked past the door.

I peeked through the gap and saw the guy walking toward me. I couldn't see his face, as he had a mask and hood over it. Finlay passed the guy and stood beside his bed.

I wanted to jump out of the wardrobe and catch the guy by surprise, but I wasn't sure if that was a good idea. The guy was dressed suspiciously and what if he had a gun or any other weapon?

With that thought, I pressed my back to the wall of the wardrobe and leaned my head back when the guy extended his hand to open it. Abruptly, a lamp broke, and the guy halted.

I moved my head but winced when my hair got stuck in the wood. Jerking my head forward, I peeked through the gap. I saw the guy looking around and then he sprinted out of the room.

"Go after him!" I said to Finlay, getting out of the wardrobe.

He nodded and followed the guy out of his apartment. I took long breaths to calm my beating heart and then walked into the living room. A gasp let out my lips when I saw the beautiful room destroyed.

The books were scattered everywhere in the room and his painting were broken on the floor. The guy was definitely looking for something. I clenched the box in my hands and licked my dry lips.

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