Chapter 41

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This has nothing to do with the story but you have to listen to clumsy by faiz. Its so good.

After I had left her at the diner I went back home but for the next couple of days I felt like I was being watched. Which led to Jack coming out on multiple occasions.

I never saw my red headed friend after Bella came back.

Bella's P.O.V.

"He's checking to see if you're still human," Edward told me. Jacob had stopped our car in the middle of the road. 

I had a strong urge to see Zadie I missed her a lot while I was with mom. 

"I'm just here to warn you. If your kind comes into our land again..." Jacob threatened.

"W-what, what happened?" I asked confused. What did he mean by that?

"You haven't told her?" Jacob asked looking at Edward who looked away. "Leave it alone Jacob."

"Tell me what?"

"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, its no big deal," Edward explained to me.

"You're lying did you lie to her to get her out of town," Jacob said raising his voice as he got angry.

"Just leave it!" Edward yelled.


The redhead? "Victoria?"

Edward turned towards me with a sad expression, he looked like a puppy who had just been kicked by its owner.

"I was trying to protect you," he said.

"By lying to me". 

Zadie's P.O.V.

"Dadddddd," I yelled as I hung from a tree. 

"Dad, daddy, father, omg this man is ignoring me," I said as I saw him stare at me from inside the house. 

"Oh my God, is he laughing at me?" Imma bout to pull a pro gamer move. 


Jack: what and why are we upside down. 

Don't question it just can you help me?

Jack: it's always I need something... we can't just have a normal conversation T-T


Jack's P.O.V.

How the hell did she manage to get this high up in a tree that barely has any branches. Using upper body strength I pulled myself up and grabbed the branch we were hanging from with my hands. 

"ZADIE," I heard someone yell from the forest. They sounded somewhat familiar.

"Zadie, omg are you ok do you need help?" I looked down to see Bella and Jacob below me. 

I smirked, "Catch." And with that I let go. I squeezed my eyes shut as the wind blew harshly on my face. 

"Well done"I said to Jacob who had caught me, he even knocked down his motorcycle in the process. Bella stared in horror.

"OMG ZADIE ARE YOU OK, WHY DID YOU DO THAT YOU COULD'VE BEEN HURT!"She yelled scolding me. All I could think about what the fact that one of my ears needed to be popped.

"Anyways...not Zadie, I'm Jack again," I told them not answering her questions. 

"Oh hi, we've met before, right?" Jacob said.

"Yeah man a couple weeks ago I think or months, anyways why are you here for Zadie?"

"Well the pack is having a bonfire tonight and we were going to ask Zay if she wanted to come." He explained.

Zadie's P.O.V.

"Yes I'll come with you, I need to get out of this house!"

Short chapter 

The next chapter will be a time skip to the night before the battle between the cullens and the newborns. 

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