Chapter 51

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not me writing this at school 👀

Charlie and Bella stared at me in confusion.

"Bro anyways you're a traitor and we're leaving, ain't that right it's time to go," I declared before pulling Charlie away and towards the door.

"Ah ok we're leaving now Bella!" He called out as we went out the front door.

"I thought you said people are supposed to have babies when they can properly take care of one so whats Bella doing with one? She can't even take care of herself," I rambled as we got into the car.

"Well I don't know, but when you ask her tell me the answer," he said backing out the driveway. "Do you like your baby cousin?"

Sir...does it look like I like it.

I gave him a disgusted look. "Puh-lease, I'm cuter than that baby will ever be," I sighed dramatically.

Dad just chuckled and patted me on the back.

"But I mean I'm going to have to teach that baby a thing or two when she's older cuz Bella has no common sense you get me, the baby's gonna end up dumb dumb," I told him.

"Heyy be nice to your sister."

I shrugged it is what it is.

Oh damn I hope Edward didn't just hear me calling out his little family actually I don't care.

I rubbed my eyes as I woke up from my nap. But when I looked outside it was morning damn. I'm late for school.

I whirled around my room like a tornado getting everything I needed to survive at school. I thought of getting a knife as well just in case but the last time I did that I was taken out of recess. Smh.

"Come on dad let's goo," I said pulling on his arm. We don't have time for breakfast.

"If you're so excited you can drive!" He joked.

"I can drive," Jack said quickly taking over. He grabbed Charlie's keys and ran out the house. 2 things wrong with that one he forgot Zadie book bag and two Zadie's body could not reach the pedals.

Charlie ran out of the house after him grabbing Zadie's book bag on the way out. Since their legs were short Charlie caught up pretty quick and grabbed the keys back.

"Heyy," Jack shouted. "I could've done it," he whined. Charlie shook his head and opened the car door.

Charlie wasn't sure if he should send Zadie to school with Jack fronting but it should all work out.

Jack was relatively quiet on the way to school and Charlie wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Jack hopped out the car and made his way towards the school without the book bag again greeting random people as he went.

Once he saw Hailey, Yuri, and Noah he screamed, "I'm back!"

Charlie ran over and covered his mouth. "You can't say curse words this is elementary school." He scolded before putting Zadie's book bag on him.

Jack rolled his eyes.

"And don't forget the book bag and please pay attention in class, remember no cursing!" Charlie called out as he went back to his car.

"Bro it was so boring and the teacher was giving me more work because I was already able to add and subtract like I'M 21 it's no surprise I can add." Jack ranted as Charlie came to pick them up from school. "Bro and then James came out like bruh you haven't been out in like years my guy like who are you," his sour mood turning into a playful one. "So obviously I dominated him and took back my spot at the front cuz like it's my day, though I am getting hella tired of being here bruh I wanna go to my bed, so comfy."

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