Chapter 43

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"Omg, you killed stan you bastard!"

Its not the time for fighting with edweirdo you need to care for yourself

Dinah maybe you should front for Zadie the poor darling doesn't need to see this much violence

If that is what is needed

Slowly i felt like i was floating and falling backwards i tried to fight it but i couldn't and all of a sudden i felt safe

3rd P.O.V.

Dinah watched as Edward and Victoria fought with a bored expression. She was waiting for something to happen but Edward and Seth seemed to have the upper hand.

Just as she thought that Victoria kicked Edward into the trees.

"Edward!" Bella gasped.

"Poor tree," Dinah muttered.

Victoria started to win easily over Edward, and smacked him around. Dinah who was too immersed in the fight didn't even notice Bella picking up a fragment of Stan's body. Her face was set and she was determined to help Edward.

When she saw the vampire's eyes snap to Bella, Dinah growled running in front of Bella growling. She felt a tremor go through her body before she shrunk in size and was on all fours.

She heard Bella gasp in the background but she paid her no mind, her target Victoria.

"My, my, my what a surprise," She smirked, stalking towards Dinah's wolf form. Dinah bared her teeth and snarled. Not wasting any time Dinah lunged towards Victoria, who almost didn't move out the way in time.

Dinah was way faster than Seth and slightly faster than Edward. She growled in annoyance, and lunged for Victoria's leg. She didn't miss this time, and ripped off her leg. The satisfying crack of Victoria's bones made Dinah want to hear it again.

Victoria struggling to get away. Dinah spit out the leg and crept towards Victoria again, who stared at Dinah in fear. She looked for Riley only to find him dead, Seth hung behind Dinah in case something went wrong. Edward and Bella watched the scene one with awe and the other with fear.

"You thought my hair looked like a pretty red flower," Victoria chuckled nervously trying to buy herself enough time to get to the trees so she could use her arms to swing her way out.

Zadie: I remember I ate a flower didn't taste very good.

Dinah who got bored of playing around with Victoria lunged at her and bit her other leg this time ripping it clean off.

Victoria screamed and Dinah let out a lousy grin.

Aiming for the head this time, she thought.

She trotted over to Victoria who was using her hands to crawl away and ripped her head off of her head, and spit it into the fire that Edward had started.

Zadie: Damn, sis just yeeted her head into the fire like it was no big deal.

James: For real no conscience lol

Willy: damn

Daniel: That's a bad word you can't say that you too Zadie cursing is bad.

Zadie: -_-

Dinah walked over to Bella and rested by her side, showing Bella that she shouldn't be afraid.

"Let's go down and help the other," Edward said, once he had finished gathering all the vampire body parts and burning them.

Bella, who had opted to lay down on Dinah's belly rather than stand, shakily got up from the ground and walked over to Edward, waiting a bit for Dinah to catch up.

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