Chapter 15

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Charlie and I looked up at Bella who had entered the house. Why is she slamming open the door, what did it ever do to her?

Charlie had been teaching me how to reload and clean a gun when she came in. She looked out of breath. Probably from kissing Edwardo, again.

"So, um... I have a date with Edward Cullen", Bella blurted out. Charlie raised his eyebrows, trust me I'm surprised too. 

"I thought you said you weren't interested in the boys in town", Charlie questioned. Shame lying to your father, punishment death.

"Technically he doesn't live in town", Bella said. I shook my head, this girl. 

"Isn't he a bit too old for you".

"He's a junior, I'm a junior", I widened my eyes, really I didn't know she was a junior. 

"Ok and", I said."That doesn't prove anything, he could be a rapist for all you know", I told her. Bella glared at me, I put my hands up in surrender I'm just saying. When you get killed whose going to have to give their college money for your funeral.

"Edward wants to meet you he's right outside", 

"Well, bring him in, and you where did you learn that word", Charlie told Bella then asked me.

"Well, I kinda said a lotta words", I said sheepishly. Bella went out to go get Edward.

"Rapist, the word rapist", I saw Edward widen his eyes when he heard the conversation. Well better think again before you marry her, cause you'll be stuck with me for a long time.

"Well, mom told me about all the dangers of the world, she went into great detail about rape and the human body....too much detail now that I think about it", I told him. He shook his head at the mention of mom and turned his attention on Edward.

"I am taking Bella out for a friendly game of baseball", Edward said. At this I busted out laughing, she's going to be doing what. Good luck with that buddy.

Dad chuckled, "Bella's going to play baseball".

"That's the plan"

"Ok let's go", Bella said quickly.

"Are you taking Zadie", Charlie asked.

"Hey, hey I don't wanna go, I'll be in danger. Bella might throw the ball backward and hit me in the face", I snickered. Dad laughed out loud this time. Bella just glowered and dragged Edward out of the house.

Later on that Evening


The door slammed for the second time today as Bella walked in the house.

"Go away Edward, I hate you", Bella screamed. Damn she probably woke up the neighbors with all her yelling. Like you need to calm down.

(I'm writing this argue scene from memory so it's not going to be completely accurate)

"Hey... hey what happened are you okay", Charlie asked as Bella stormed into the house. 

"I'm leaving", She stated. I guess Edward hit her too hard with the ball. Wait...she's leaving, cue the eavesdropping music.

"What do you mean you're leaving", Charlie asked. She probably means she's going to drive away to a different country and leave us behind. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this was all made up, just so she can have sexy, sexy time with Edweirdo.

I poked my head out of my room and watched the drama unfold. Was she just going to leave us for some guy? Leave her whole family just because of some idiot? She better not, cause then you're going to have one upset Zadie.

Bella yelled at Charlie about him always drinking beers and watching football saying how it isn't what she likes to do. Well whose fault is it that you like to stay at home instead of going out with friends.

"Well... I can change", Dad said sounding hopeless. I was sad, Dad's sad and Bella is breaking his heart. I walked down the stairs and grabbed Bella's pants. She looked at me with a heartbroken expression.

"Stay", I told her.

She didn't reply, but instead she pried my fingers off her pants before closing the door. Charlie and I stared wordlessly at the door before I wrapped my arms around his leg. I felt something wet slide down my face. 

I wiped at my face, it better not be some bug.

It was water? I was crying, Bella, leaving made me cry.

Bella's P.O.V.

"Charlie will forgive you", Edward told me reassuringly. I nodded.

"What about Z-Zadie', I asked cringing once I heard my voice crack. She looked so sad, and angry at me. I wanted, no I needed her to forgive me.

"She's really angry right now but once she calms down I'm sure she'll be forgiving", Edward said. 

She hates me.

Zadie's P.O.V.

The tears wouldn't stop, I realized that. I was angry, at her for leaving Charlie and me, if she's mad at Edward why did she leave US! 

I was mad at Edward for stealing my sister, I was mad at myself for not doing more to keep her here!

"Let's go to sleep, alright", Charlie told me in a small voice. I looked up at him and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given someone. He returned it.

"Can I sleep with you today", I asked. He looked shock momentarily but nodded nonetheless, I let out a small smile and wrapped my arms around his neck. 

Screw Bella we don't need her to have fun.

Oops I'm not supposed to say that word. Oh well. Who's gonna stop me, Bella ha what a joke.

Charlie carried me up the stairs and laid me down on the soft mattress before he went into the bathroom to take a shower. 

I laid down my head and closed my eyes. 

We had fun when Bella was still in Arizona so what's to say we can't have fun now?


Omg, I am in love with Zadie's character.

A lot of you have been asking who taught Zadie all these words and stuff. So, let me clear it up, before Zadie's mom went to prison she homeschooled Zadie instead of sending her to preschool. Yeah her mom obviously didn't hold back when she was teaching her things, hence the wonderful girl we have today.

Thank you very much for reading!

Hope you enjoy the story


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