Chapter 18

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"So, does anybody know what I plead the fifth means", 

Our new teacher Mrs. Lowrie brought in a special guest. He was teaching us about law and stuff but I didn't understand anything. Honestly, I'd rather bang my head on this desk over and over than listen to this mans monotone voice talk about stuff I will never use.

"Obviously not", Someone spoke.

"Well... it means that you can refuse to answer a question, but that is normally used in court", He explained.

Hey, I can think of ways to use that. 

CONGRATULATIONS, man you've finally been useful.

I quickly pulled out my notebook and started writing the phrase so I don't forget it.  Noah wasn't in school today, which was sad because I can't rant to him about how boring this is. I would rant to Hailey but she's all the way on the other side of the classroom.

I would throw notes but today we're having extended recess and I'm not trying to stay with Mrs. Lowrie all recess. She's so annoying. DO you know how hard it is to be good all day long, it's terrible. 

"Well, it's been nice meeting you all but I must depart", The man told us.

"Thank God", I groaned.

Mrs. Lowrie shot me a look, while some people chuckled at my bluntness. Hailey sent me a warning look, damn.

If I get detention I'm going to lose it. 

-Skip to after school-

So,  I was able to go to recess because the teacher thought it was boring too. Then we had art class and we had to trace lines, but Lowrie already knew that I was advanced so I was able to draw whatever I wanted. I only like her in art class. 

Hailey and I were walking home together as Bella told me she had to stay after school. Maybe I would have called someone but I don't have a phone.

"Recess was so fun", Hailey exclaimed as we walked passed the highschool. 

"I know right, like I even pushed Steven off the slide",

"I can't believe Mrs. Lowrie didn't see that",

"Maybe she didn't care", I told her

"Neither are we so"

AS we walked I noticed two older girls standing under a tree talking about something. They looked excited, as we walked passed them we heard a bit of their conversation.

"Omg, he was so good, and we didn't use protection because he told me his pull-out game was strong, it was amazing",

Hailey and I scrunched up our eyebrows in confusion. I play all types of games and I've never heard of the pull-out game. I'll ask Bella later.

"Anyways you wanna come over to my house", I asked.


"Why didn't Noah come to school today maybe we should visit him", I said. Yes, I was worried for Noah, he hasn't come to school for two days.

"Yeah instead of going to your house we could go to his", Hailey suggested. I smiled wide, before nodding.

We raced home excited, we had only gone to his house once but it was the most fun we had in a while.

Luckily Dad was home earlier so we asked him for a ride.

"Are you sure, maybe we should call ahead and tell them we're coming", dad told us.

"No, no it has to be a surprise", Hailey persisted. I nodded.

"Come on man drive", I exclaimed. He huffed but continued to pull out of the driveway. Hailey and I bounced around in excitement. 

But it soon died down when we got stuck in traffic. I sighed as we waited but sat straight once I got an idea. 

I unclipped my seatbelt and stretched up to the front seat. Looking over the buttons in the car I pressed the one that said lights. 

And soon the red and blue lights were turned on. Dad looked at me in annoyance, while I smiled back at him innocently.

"Now we can leave", I said. He did start to drive out of the traffic but reprimanded me while doing so.

"These lights are for important uses only", He told me. I just shrugged and sat back down in my seat. Hey, at least we're not in traffic anymore.

Noah's P.O.V.

"Zadie and Hailey are coming over", She warned.

"What, why", I asked.

"Probably because you haven't been to school in a while", Bella told me. She's probably right, they're going to be mad at me.

I rushed upstairs and started cleaning my room with my power. I was so excited when I found out I could move things with my mind. I placed my dirty clothes in the hamper and my toys in the closet. 

I sat on my bed and started reading a book about children who lived in boxcars. It was pretty interesting, but not as interesting as-

"They're here", Alice announced. I thought of an excuse as to why I wasn't at school, one that was believable.

Oh Zadie and Hailey, we weren't expecting you here", I heard Esme say.

"It was a surprise", Zadie said in a duh tone of voice. I chuckled a bit, but quieted down when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"NOAH", Hailey shouted. Me and every immortal in the house winced at the loud shout. I guess it's my fault anyway.

"In here", I responded calmly. Instantly the door was thrown open and two angry-looking girls stared at me. I smiled sheepishly and waved.

"Care to explain why you weren't at school", They asked. 

"Um... my foot was hurting", I lied.

"Which one", Zadie asked coming closer.

"the right one", I told her. She looked at my foot before raising her hand and slapping it harshly. I could tell she hurt herself doing that but she didn't show it.

"Hey", I exclaimed. Imagine it actually hurt, I looked over at Hailey who was on the floor cracking up.

"Anyways, I wanna play a game", Zadie told me climbing onto the bed. Hailey followed after her, once everyone was settled we were kinda in a circle.

"What game", I asked curiously. 

"It's called the pull-out game, I don't know how to play though", She told me. My eyes widened, please say I heard that wrong.

I could hear Emmett's laughter from up here.

"Where did you hear that", I questioned. She looked confused.

Zadie's P.O.V.

"Where did you hear that", He questioned. I froze a bit before looking behind me, I turned and saw Bella looking at me. I don't think the pull-out game is a good game if everyone is so concerned about it.

"I plead the fifth", I yelled before running between Bella's legs and sprinting down the stairs. I'm not getting caught today.

I ran and ran until I was stopped by a wall, I closed my eyes as I waited to hit the ground but death never came.

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