Chapter 54

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Just realized this story now has 69 parts and I thought everyone should know.

3rd P.O.V.

Zadie lifted up the child inspecting Renesmee's face.

Bella and Edward watching ready to catch her if Zadie were to "accidentally" drop her. They wondered if Zadie and the others would come to accept Renesmee, Bella knew she had done a lot of bad but she didn't want Zadie to hate her daughter because of her mistakes.

"Yeah, I'm definitely prettier", Zadie said walking over and handing the baby to Edward. "Anyways Emmett said yall were gossiping and I'm hurt and betrayed that you didn't think to invite me, I'll have you know that I am almost 8 years old which is basically 10 if you know how to round."

Zadie sat down at the table with the rest of the Cullens as Carlisle told her about the Volturi coming to Forks.

Zadie's P.O.V.

"Oh those old dudes, my favorite was one of them I forgot though."

Arrow I think his name was people in the old days got questionable names - Jack

His name was Aro stupid - Scarlett

Wow I thought we were supposed to be friends but here you are insulting me front of the children too - Jack

Yeah and no one cares- Dinah

You know what I'll leave, I see I'm not wanted here -Jack

E-Everyone should just relax and not fight anymore- Daniel

Daniel man respectfully no -Jack

"So like is them coming a bad thing?" I asked tired of listening to their drama.

"Yes, if we're not careful they might kill Renesmee and we could lose our lives as well," Rosalie told me.

"Which is why we're getting help from our friends," Emmett said putting his hand on Rosalie's shoulder.

"Wow, didn't know you guys had those, seeing as you guys aren't exactly..." I leaned closer and whispered, "human."

Emmett let out a huge laugh and leaned over to me, "well, they aren't exactly human either."

" unexpected turn of events," I mumbled. 

Dinah walked through the forest the frost on the leaves crunching under her feet with every step. Her breath came out like smoke as she breathed heavily trying to feel the same sensation as before.

Thump. Thump. Thump. thump.

Dinah screamed as pain soared through her heart. Her fingernails dug into the cold ground grasping at anything to ease the pain. She huffed as she tried to pull through, thinking back to how Jacob said he was able to shift when thinking of his wolf form. As she tried her body was struck with pain, and her cry of agony resonated through the forest. Zadie's body collapsed from the pain and lay unmoving as Dinah quickly escaped from the front.

"Well, what do we have here," A man with platinum blonde hair and a heavy Romanian accent questioned.

"She has quite the confusing scent," Another spoke his accent just as thick as the blonde. The two stared at the small child in front of them and for a time it was silent but it was broken by the sound of the blonde kicking the child lightly. Which wasn't light at all from a human's perspective as the kick was already starting to leave a bruise.

"Vladimir you must be gentle with humans as they are weaker than you can imagine."

"That was gentle I just nudged her to see if she would wake up," Vladimir argued back. "Should we have a quick snack before we visit the Cullens." He smirked and at the same time, Zadie's head snapped up hitting his stone-like chest.

Zadie wormed her way out of his grasp, confusion prominent on her face.

"Who are you and where are you taking me?" She asked backing away from the two. They stared down at her his blood-red eyes reminding her of the Volturi.

"My name is Vladimir and this is Stefan we are of the Romanian coven." The man with blonde hair spoke dismissing the girl's second question.

"We are here for the Cullens," Stefan added, maybe she would know who they were if she didn't then ... she would be dessert. 

"Oh...I know them," Zadie said her mood taking a whole 180 as she lit up. "I get it, you were probably lost and were gonna kill me to make them come. I mean I don't appreciate being a sacrifice but it was a smart idea."

The pair of vampires was stunned for a second but their shock quickly turned into a grin. They liked this girl already. 

Zadie turned her feet leading her in the direction of the Cullens, she walked through the forest not looking back as she knew the two were following her because to her they were nothing more than lost ducks. Why wasn't she afraid of the red-eye vampires who like to feast on humans, she didn't know.

The three emerged out of the forest with Zadie in the front guiding them, she felt like the ultimate line leader. If only she could brag about leading vampires in the forest to her friends.

"Zadie?" Bella walked out of the house after smelling her scent. The two vampires appeared behind her and Bella immediately jumped at them and grabbed Zadie pushing her behind her back. Bella got into a defensive stance before punching Stefan though he blocked it and pushed her into a tree. She didn't stay down long and jumped back at him, slamming her foot on his. Stefan hunched down in pain and she knee'd him in the face sending him flying.

"Cooool," Zadie said staring at the fight in awe.

"What's going on here," Edward yelled.

I don't even remember what was going on in my life the last time I updated but everything changed literally and I'm graduating High School in like 4 months which is crazy.

Let's hope for 2023 that I update more.

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