Chapter 3

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Daddy said that because I didn't start school for a couple more months, that I would go to school with Bells. YAY!!



I cheered and jumped out of bed in excitement. Time to get dressed for school!

I expected Daddy to come in but instead, it was Bella. I mean this is good too. I let out a small squeal and asked her to pick out my outfit. She picked me up and went over to find some clothes for me.

"Is this a good outfit", Bells asked me. 

I nodded in response. She helped me get dress and I wiggled out of Bella's arms and walked out the door, as I approached the stairs I looked back at Bella. She looked down at me, we stared at each other for like a good 2 minutes before Daddy yelled.

"You guys are going to be late for school", he yelled.

"Ok, we are coming", Bella answered before picking me up and walking down the stairs.

"So, what do you want for breakfast", she asked me looking through the cupboards for something to eat.

"Fruits", I screamed excitedly. I saw Bella cringe at my voice and she nodded. I watched her intently as she put a bunch of different fruits in a bowl and handed them to me, before grabbing an apple for herself. 

"Bye Char-dad", Bella yelled before picking me up and going outside. Hey, it's not raining today, how lucky.

"Do you know the way to school", Bella whispered to me. I looked at her like she was stupid, how would I know I've never been, I thought.

"Of course not", she said before looking back at the road, after like 15 minutes she finally found the school. I mean it's not that hard the town of Forks is really small.

I squealed in excitement as the school came into view. Stepping out of the car Bella opened the back door to let me out. After unbuckling me I looked around with wide eyes.

Bella took my hand and bent down to be at eye level with me.

"Ok stay close to me and don't make too much noise ok", she told me. I nodded and gripped onto her hand tightly. I don't want Elmo to kidnap me he might make me meet the cookie monster. He's scary he doesn't speak English!

Walking into the school and tall guy walked into view since I was on the floor I could only see his legs, they were pretty skinny.

"Your the new girl, Hi I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place", he told Bella.

"Uh hi", Bella said freaking out like usual.

"Anything you need a tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on', 

"I'm really the suffer in silence type", she told him, I had to bite my lip from laughing, this was so awkward.

I decided to help them out, "Zadie Swan", I said sticking my hand out to be polite like daddy showed me. Obviously he hadn't had that conversation with Bella.

"Oh aren't you cute, is this your daughter", he asked Bella.

"oh no, no, she's my sister actually", She said quietly.

"I'm four", I said, holding up 4 fingers. 

He ignored me and continued to bug Bella about the feature.

"How Rude", I said stomping my foot. I grabbed Bella's hand and started pulling her away. She looked at me and picked me up and excused herself before walking into the school.

I looked back at Eric and stuck my tongue out at him. 

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