Chapter 12

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I woke up to the beautiful smell of pancakes and eggs. Which is one of the greatest foods on Earth if you ask me. 

I quickly got dressed in an okay outfit because I was starting a new school today. I didn't want the teachers to think that I actually wanted to be there. So, no I wasn't wearing a dress I was wearing this,

I look amazing I know keep the compliments to yourself

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I look amazing I know keep the compliments to yourself. Am I the only one who gets really awkward when people compliment you because you don't wanna sound rude and snobby, but you don't wanna be that person where you're just like ignoring them. It's such an awkward moment.

Anyways after getting changed I ran down the stairs only to see Bella swaying her hips to music in her earbuds. Disgusting!

"Hey, hey keep it PG", I yelled. 

Bella turned towards me and her whole face was red, it's hilarious. I laughed at her before stealing a pancake from the plates.

"Hey, hey I'm not done", She yelled at me. I quickly put the pancake in my mouth before running off to the table. 

"Haha, you mad or nah", I teased. 

"I'm sorry I don't understand you will all the stolen pancake in your mouth", She said. I rolled my eyes and sat at the table. At least she had finished the eggs so I could take those.


-After a weird breakfast between Bella and Zadie(Charlie was at work). The two girls were finally ready to leave-

"Bella, do I have to go to kindergarten", I whined.

"Yes", she said curtly. 

"But I don't wanna go", I pouted. She shook her head, and continued to drive, she was excited to see Edward so she was annoyed that she had to drive to my school.

We pulled up in front of the school and I opened to door. There were kids hugging their parents goodbye, and a few kids were crying. Wimps.

"Do you want me to go in with you", Bella asked. I shook my head, Bella is so clumsy she would probably trip on one of the kids.

"I am good", I practically yelled. She nodded before telling me good luck and driving off. Sighing I turned a faced the building that would keep me locked up for the next couple of hours. This is hell.

I found my way to my classroom, when I found out that we only had to be in one classroom the whole time, I was confused. But hey at least I can relax without being interrupted by a bell. 

I walked in and saw a woman who was at least 5 head taller than me. She looked young like, she just came from college. Hehe she's fresh out the oven. Hahahahahahaha.

"hello, my name is Ms. Lucian, but you may call me, Ms. Lucy", she told me in a calm voice. She seemed nice, I wonder if I could just call her Lucy. The Ms. is so formal, but after all this is prison.

"My name is Zadie", I informed her before I pulled out the slip dad told me to give the teacher. Apparently we had snack time and she needed to know what I was allergic to. I mean if we don't we could sue, and Charlie wouldn't have to work anymore. FREE MONEYY

"Well Zadie, you can take a seat anywhere you'd like", She told me with a smile. I nodded before taking a seat in the middle. The middle is the best place because the front is for the smart kids. Whenever you sit in the back the teacher always calls on you because she thinks you're not participating. So, the middle is safest.

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