Chapter 20

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Thank you @Angelwithscars96 for helping me make this chapter!

I cringed as we entered the building, I hate hospitals. We walked up to the receptionist desk the woman who was sitting there had her headphones on so she couldn't hear dad calling her. I sighed getting fed up with this lady.

Standing on my tiptoes I grabbed the bell and started ringing it obnoxiously. The lady pulled off her headphones but I kept on ringing it finding it amusing.

"Would you stop that", Charlie exclaimed grabbing the bell from my hands. I pouted.

How rude

Just steal it back it's not even that hard

Look there's another one on that ladies desk

SHUT UP, I thought


We're just trying to help - _-

I sighed and looked around to find something else to cure my boredom while Charlie signed some papers. 

Then something shiny caught my eye, I turned around facing the object that was poking out slightly from behind a plant. I glanced up at dad who was still signing the papers for the doctor. I made my way over to the plant quietly so that dad doesn't see.

Move like a snake, move like a snake put your hand on your waist


I feel like I've heard that song before, but at the same time, I've never heard it before. This is so confusing!

I quickly moved the pot to the side, gasping softly when I saw a silver ring in the shape of a dolphin. It looked weird, the dolphin was stretched so that the tail wrapped around your finger and almost touched the head.

 It looked weird, the dolphin was stretched so that the tail wrapped around your finger and almost touched the head

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I picked up the ring from the floor and inspected it. It was shiny and could see my reflection a little bit.

I should probably ask if this is someone's ring.

"Zadie", I heard dad call out. I peeked my head out from behind the plant and saw him standing above me with his eyebrow raised. 

"What are you doing on the floor", He asked. I just smiled and got up, that's a stupid question everyone knows that the floor is so much better than chairs. It's a proven fact made by me.

"Let's go the doctor called you", He sighed.

"Wait, I have to give this to the lady I found it on the floor", I told him. I ran up to the receptionist's desk and placed the ring down on the counter. It took quite a while as I wasn't able to reach so I had to use a chair.

"Excuse me, I found this on the floor", I said. She looked up at me with annoyance and plucked the ring from the table. I looked at her as she stared at it, finally she looked back up to me.

The Swan ChildМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя