Chapter 56

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Zadie's P.O.V.

"ZADIE!" I could hear her screaming it was loud and it was triggering, I immediately started running. My head throbbed and a small buzzing sound filled my head, I couldn't even think. 


I gasped and let out a small scream as I came tumbling down to the floor. I panted as I tried to lift myself up from the soft dirt. Tears pricked my eyes as I pulled my hands to my chest there were scratches all over my palms. Stupid ass tree stump.

The forest thinned as I stumbled through the trees, hopefully, I was going towards civilization she really was living way out in the middle of nowhere...literally why? I sighed in relief as I finally saw a road, I dropped to my knees deciding to take a break until I saw a car or something. I could feel my heart with every step, it felt like every beat shook my body and I fell to the floor as I tried to control my erratic breaths. 

"ZADIE!" My eyes widened tears immediately welling up in response to that familiar voice. I shakily turned my head as I saw her running towards me. My body jerked up and my hands pressed into the dirt as I tried to scoot away. 

"My baby, I thought I lost you can't just run away like that. Don't you miss your mother, I thought about you every day that I was away from you. Don't you miss your mommy?" 

"...stop it..." The memories were all coming back to me. How could she do this to me? How can you act like nothing's wrong?

"Look at me Zadie." My eyes snapped up to meet hers and I flinched as her fake cheery attitude had dropped, her eyes gazed at me with contempt and she leaned down to grip my shoulders. "You wanna know what I was thinking about while I was locked away hmm...I was thinking how dare you-" 

"ZADIE!" My head whipped around and she immediately let go of me and stepped back. I don't think I've ever been more happy to see my dad.

 Charlie ran over faster than I've ever seen him run...actually have I ever seen him run? 

Before I knew it he had picked me up and I couldn't register what was going on anymore but he was yelling like crazy at her.

"I want to go home..." *I mumbled.

Sorry to break your little rampage but some of us are a little bit traumatized here.

I don't really remember the ride back home, but I knew that Charlie was definitely worried he kept muttering about Josephine. I don't know what happened but I think he called someone something about "help".

As we got to the house I furrowed my brows, what was Bella doing over there? No way Charlie called Bella for help...and no way she actually came. Isn't she supposed to be a vampire I'm bleeding...oh lord I'm gonna die.

"ZADIE! Oh my gosh, what happened are you ok....oh my god" I groaned as she grabbed me tight and pulled me into her arms.

"I'm fine...just chill out" I wheezed as she squeezed me. "But aren't you supposed to be doing know about us all dying" I whispered as I tried to squirm out of her grip. She got the hint and put me down.

"I have to go talk to Josephine, so something like this won't happen again...I'm happy to see you safe Bells, but could you take care of Zadie for a little bit. Just until I get this whole thing under control." Charlie gave Bella a quick hug before going to pace around. 

"Yeah, of course...just um...leave her to me" Bella did you forget that your house is full of vampires, who could possibly be more trouble than my fricking mom? But I digress.


"So...are yall considered cannibals since you used to be human and now you eat humans...I'm sensing a bit of hostility here..." Vladimir and Stefan looked blankly at me before grinning manically. "You know...I'm not curious anymore."

Bella ended up taking me back here after Carlisle came to clean my cuts because no way was I dying early. Lucky for me Renesmee clung to me the whole time, I don't know why and I don't know how but she was already the same height as me. Literally, what are they feeding this girl?

"Zadie!" I looked beside me to see Renesmee skipping back over to me. I grimaced a bit as she clung to my arm, why is this girl so strong?

"How come nobody's tryna eat you" I tilted my head as I looked her over. "...well, I guess everyone is here to stop you from getting killed so..." I mumbled to myself. 

I wondered through the house tuning out Renesmee's chatter as she clung to my arm. I looked over to see Bella yelling at Jacob again, according to Emmett she beat his ass yesterday. I'm intrigued.

"What's going on?" I asked skipping over to them, dragging Renesemee along with me. Jacob froze up and stared at Renesmee making me raise my brow. "What is he doing? He's acting like Edward..."

"Jacob decided to imprint on little ole' Renesmee over here" Emmett laughed and rested his arm on my head.

"It's not a choice!" Jacob argued back.

"Tell that to the judge". I snorted and shrugged. It's giving pervert, she's like not even a year old but who would've guessed? She's the same height as me and that's freaking me out. "It's a bit weird..." 

"Well, I like Jacob! He's nice to me!" Renesmee smiled as she looked up at him. Disgusting.

"Everyone here is nice to you so that doesn't make sense at all" I sighed and dragged her away from the commotion.

Well as the older cousin, I need to protect this poor girl from the dangers of the world. First, we start by eliminating Jacob.

Just kidding.

Later that night Carlisle had called me away from everyone else. As I got into the room I saw the whole gang in there.

"Woah what's the intervention for...." I asked as Esme brought out a chair for me. Was I about to be sacrificed or something?

"Tomorrow we meet the Volturi, but we've noticed they've taken a special interest in you because you are Caius' mate." As soon as he said that I gagged, like not even as a joke like actually. I sprung up and grabbed a nearby trashcan and spit up, that was a bad idea as I immediately felt that slimy sensation in my throat as I started throwing up the black slime again.

"That is happening because you've been away from your mate for too long, and the tie is taking a toll on your body," Esme said as she came over to rub my back. I groaned and rolled my eyes, like is nobody concerned that I'm basically dying.

"You'll be fine tomorrow once you see Caius,"  Edward spoke, so we're reading my thoughts again aren't we Eddy boy?

 "She can't see Caius, what if they try to take her...that can't happen," Bella shot up from her seat. I looked over confused, but decided to just tune it out.  

"I mean she can't stay here while we're all meeting the Volturi, they could just take her easily. It would be best if she just came with us..." Emmett shrugged.

 "I wanna come!" I chirped up, I mean it sounds interesting. and I have fomo.

"Yay, Zadie come too!" Renesmee smiles clinging to me again. 

"It's the safest option, Bella especially since we'll be putting  Charlie at risk by sending Zadie back to him.." Carlisle said ending the debate.


Guess the Volturi will be graced with my presence once again.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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