Chapter 4

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Bella's P.O.V.

When Eric asked me if Zadie was my daughter I panicked. Why can't they just think she's my sibling it would be so much easier. Now everybody that I talk to will probably ask if she's my daughter, I don't want any added attention.

*Time skip to Lunch*

I stood awkwardly in the door way of the cafeteria. Zadie had ditched me the moment we walked down the hallway the cafeteria was. I don't know where she was.

Zadie's P.O.V.

I was introducing myself to everyone, some people here are really nice but some of the girls here look like powder cakes. It's not very pleasant when they hug me because it gets ALL over me. I saw Bella in the door way and ran over to her.

"Hi Belly Bells", I said running up to her She picked me up. 

"You should sit with them", I told her pointing to a table in the middle of the lunch room. 

"Ok did you make friends with them", she asks me, walking over to the table.

"Nope, I just said hi", I replied smiling. Wiggling out of her arms I dragged her along she was walking to slow. 

"Hi Angie", I said sitting on Angela's lap she was my new best friend.

"Hey Zee-Zee", I smiled at the nickname and pulled some chips out of my book bag. Handing one to Angie I looked up to see Belly Bells actually talking to people. The back doors opened and some kids walked in.

"Who are they", Bella asked.

"Obviously kids that go to this school Bells", I said. She ignored me and looked at Jessica the real eyes and ears of this place.

"Okay so the blonde is Rosalie Hale and the big guy next to her is Emmett Cullen, Next is Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale, they are all adopted by Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme. They're also all together, like together together", Jessica informed Bella.

"What's the difference between together and together together", I asked curiously.

"Nothing you need to know right now", Angie said.

"ok", I said happily going back to my food, my main priority.

"Who is that", Bella said still facing the door. 

"Oh that is Edward Cullen, they are all really weird if you ask me",Jessica said, opening her big mouth once again. She needs to close her mouth before a fly flies in. I think I just saw Edward laugh. What's he laughing at, he must have a screw loose or something maybe that's why Jessica said they keep to themselves. Poor Eddie.

"Don't even think about dating him, every girl in this school is too good for him anyways", Jessica said bitterly.

"I forgot to say hi to them", I said, getting up ignoring the loud cries of protest made by Bella.

"Hi my name is Zadie Anne Swan I'm 4 years old and", I tried to remember what daddy told me to say to people. "Oh I'm going to preschool in a couple of months", I say with a smile on my face.

"My name's Alice and these are my siblings, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward", she said."Oh by the way I like your outfit", she told me.

Blushing I thanked her, the Rosalie lady asked me if she could pick me up and of course I said yes like my feet were starting to hurt.

"My name's Zadie", I whispered to her un aware of all the eyes staring at me.

"My name's Rosalie", she said.

"Rose-le-wee, um I can't say it", I told her sadly.

"You can call me Rose", she told me smiling. I smiled bright!

"Ok", I said hopping off her lap I went over to Jasper. Everyone tensed when he picked me up. I don't think they like Jasper very much they act different around him.

"Hello little lady, my names Jasper", he told me. I giggled.

"Your voice is funny", I said giggling.

"Oh is that so", he told me tickling me. 

"No, no stttttoooooppppp", I squealed, racing over to Emmett since he was the biggest.

Looking at him sternly I told him,"Protect me from your brover".

"With my life", He replied, grinning I climbed up on his lap while Jasper came closer and closer to our side of the table.

Emmett got up and we were racing around the tables, I was laughing like a maniac, Edward looked like he was in pain, it was a funny sight. Rose was trying to get them to settle down, and Alice was smiling.

This was great!

"Um, sorry can I have my sister the bell is about to ring", Bella said, when did she get here.

"But I'm having so much funnnnnnnnn", I whined.

"Come on Zee", she said, I could tell she was shy because of all these people.

"ok fiiiinnnne", I said hopping off of Emmett's back I said bye.

"See you tomorrow", I yelled as we were half way out the door.

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