Chapter 9

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*After School*

People say Alice looks like a Pixie maybe I should draw her one, and Jasper sounds like the cowboys from the movies. 

My thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling.

3rd P.O.V.

"BELLA", Someone screamed. 

Zadie looked up and tugged Bella's sweater trying to get her attention, but Bella was too caught up with staring at Edward to notice her sister or the impending danger coming her way.

"Bella LOOK", she heard Zadie scream. That effectively shook her out of the trance she was in. Bella saw the truck speeding her way, her eyes widened. She realized this could be the place she died.

This could be the place Zadie died and she hasn't even lived for that long.

Bella crouched and wrapped her arms around Zadie, trying to protect her as much as she could. Zadie had tears flowing out of her eyes and she was shaking. She gripped onto Bella's clothing trying to hide as much as she could.

The van came close before it hit Bella's arm, but before the rest of it could crush them Edward Cullen had stopped the van with his hand.

"Omg BELLA", people screamed.

"BELLA, ZADIE", Angela screamed running towards them bringing a whole herd of people with her.

"where- where's Zadie", Bella asked not caring for her wounds as she searched for her.


"BELLA, I'm so sorry I tried to stop", Tyler apologized. Bella didn't address him as she turned to find her sister.

Edward turned around and saw Zadie laying beside him with her eyes closed. 

"Bella", Edward called out, he tapped her shoulder getting her attention as he showed her the little girl. Bella froze and made her way over to Zadie. Tears clouded her vision, she didn't know what to do, she was freaking out.

"I-Is s-she going to b-be okay", she asked Edward. Edward placed his hand to Zadie's neck as he checked her pulse. Even though he could hear the slow rhythmic beat of her heart he had to make it believable. 

"She's alive", Edward said before leaving the scene, guiding the paramedics over to Bella and Zadie. Edward might not show it but he was worried for the small human girl. He was also frightened for his life because Rosalie was going to kill him as soon as he got home, she might not even wait until home. Edward could hear the faint voices in Rosalie's head cursing him out in multiple ways. 


Zadie's P.O.V.

I remember hitting the ground .

I remember my head hurting 

I remember the voices that called out for me

I remember the darkness surrounding me

I remember, nope that's all I remember

What happened to Bella is she safe, what about Edward he stopped the car with his bare hands. Is he like superman or something cuz if he is I won't tell anybody. But we left Bella poor innocent, naive, awkward, antisocial, creepy, Bella all alone with the rest of the world.

We gotta help Bella


Zadie wake up

Wake up!!! the voice was calling me urgently now.

Bella's P.O.V.

Charlie and I were sitting on the couch in the hospital room waiting for Zadie to wake up. We haven't spoken to each other after he checked to see if I was okay. I was too worried for my sister to care about the silence, every once in a while a nurse would come in to check her vitals.

She was still unconscious. 

Bella this is all your fault if you had only paid attention to your surroundings this would have never happened.

"It's not my fault", I muttered to myself. 

You should've just left after school ended then maybe your sister wouldn't be dying.

"She's not dying", I whispered, holding my head in my hands.

You were so caught up with your silly crush you didn't even notice your sister trying to get your attention.

"Bella", Charlie said breaking me out of my trance.


"She's waking up", he stated before pressing the button to call the nurse. As he did that Zadie's heart monitor started to beep louder as she was close to waking up.

"She's waking up", Charlie exclaimed to the doctor that entered the room. Oh look, lucky us it's a Cullen, only the best doctor dad would say.

Zadie started to move on the bed, she seemed to be distressed as she started to whimper. It only took a couple seconds before her eyes snapped open. She looked around taking in her surroundings, she looked confused and scared and I don't blame her.

"Zadie can you hear me?",  

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