Chapter 1

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Would my new sister like me? She might not like that her dad met another woman. What if I end up like Cinderella? Actually, I would run away before that happens.

"Zadie, are you ready to get your sister from the airport," Dad asked as he walked into my room. I nodded and got my shoes from the floor. I walked down the stairs and put on my shoes. They were finally matching with my outfit probably cuz I dressed myself today.

I wonder how long it'll take to get to the airport.

"If I fall asleep you gotta wake me up," I told Dad. He laughed but agreed. He helped put me in the car seat that he had put back into the police car.

I watched the scenery fly by as we sped through the streets to the airport. I always thought we should get a new car, only having a police car wasn't really good. He always had to take out my car seat every time he had work, it just attracts attention everywhere we go. 


"Zadie wake up," I was shaken awake by dad.

"Are we at the airport?"

"Yup," He started undoing my car seat straps and carried me out of the car.

"Hey, I can walk!"

"We wouldn't want the princess getting lost would we?" He laughed.

Bella's P.o.V.

A part of me was excited to see dad again after all this time but I would miss everyone from home and the beautiful weather. 

"BELLA!" I heard someone call. I turned around my bag accidentally hitting someone in the foot.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized, before running off towards my dad. Slowing down as I saw something in his arms.

"Hey Bells," Charlie smiled, putting down a child and picking up my bags. "How was the flight?"

"It was good," I commented, staring down at the child who was looking right back at me. She kinda looked like Charlie, but he couldn't have had another child.

"Hi, I'm Zadie," the girl said. "I'm four!"

"I'm Bella," I told her, crouching down to her height. "What are you doing here?"

"Daddy said we'd have pizza for dinner tonight." She said not answering my question. Was that too hard of a question for a four-year-old?

"Ah, Bella this is your uh... younger sibling." Charlie stuttered. He came over and put his hand on her head.

"She's four."

"Yeah, she told me."


"Can we get pizza now?"

"Yeah of course, is that everything Bella?"


We got into the car and I watched Charlie clip Zadie in and I wondered if he treated me like that when I was younger.

" you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

", Zadie's mom is in Jail at the moment," Charlie told me. My eyes widened in shock. Was not expecting that.


"Yeah, it was just me and Zadie all those years but now you're here, hopefully, you and she can get along."


"Pizza, pizza, pizza." Zadie chanted as we pulled into the parking lot of the pizza place. 

I laughed a bit at her eagerness, "Is pizza your favorite food?"

"Yup, it's so good!"

~Back Home~

We ate together and Charlie suggested we watch a movie together. Halfway through the movie Zadie fell asleep, and we decided to all just go to sleep.

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