Chapter 10

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Zadie's P.O.V.

I was released from the hospital after they did a whole bunch of scans and tests, etc. Remember in Split when he was the little kid and he kept saying etc.  Lmao lemme continue the story :)

Like why can't any of their equipment be warm, every time they touch me with metal I flinch like it's freezing. After being in the hospital for 3 days and eating their horrible food, I decided that I hated hospitals and I never wanna go back.

"Zadie how are you feeling", Daddy asked me. He sat on my bed and set down the pills I had to take on the nightstand. 

"I feel better already, so I don't have to take the medicine", I replied trying to wiggle my way out of his hold.

"Nope, this means you're getting better but that doesn't mean you can stop taking your medicine, so relax", Dad told me before trying to put the grape flavored liquids in my mouth. 

"No, don't want it", I said turning my head.

"C'mon it is grape flavored", he replied putting the spoon closer.

"Just cuz it says that doesn't mean it's actually grap- ahhh", If your wondering what happened the man shoved the spoon into my mouth while I was talking! Rude.

" the people who made this obviously don't know what grape tastes like", I complained. Dad laughed before he left the room. Bella had left for school earlier, which was amazing because it meant I could sleep in.

"So what do you want to do today", Dad asked me.

"WATCH TV", I screamed.

"Alright then, let's go watch some TV", he smiled. Charlie picked me up from the bed and carried me down the stairs.

"YAY", I cheered.

Charlie dropped me onto the couch before sitting down himself. He grabbed the remote and faced me.

"What are we watching", he questioned.

"DORA", I screamed.

"But we hate that show", he groaned.

"C'mon I wanna make fun of her", I whined. Eventually he gave in and we started the stupid show.

'Can you help me find the ocean'

'Do you see the ocean, help me find it'

"IS she blind like how is she looking everywhere except the big piece of water, like you can't miss it, I mean come on", I yelled in frustration. Dad just laughed.

"I think we should watch something else, this 'stress' can't be good for your recovery", He chuckled.

"Fine", I huffed.

"How 'bout some football", he suggested.

"Fine, or we could watch the Simpsons", I suggested.

"No, that show is not appropriate for someone of your age", he scolded.

"What about Spongebob",I begged. "Please".

"Fine", he grumbled. I mentally cheered before grabbing the remote since Charlie was moving too slow.

-10 min later-

"I'm hungry", I whined.

"Want to order pizza", he asked getting up. He groaned as his back cracked from the sudden movement.

"Sure", I said trying to suppress my giggles.

"I'll be right back", He told me before leaving the room.

"Crusty crab pizza is the pizza for you and me", I sang quietly.

"I'm a goofy goober, you're a goofy goober, we're all goofy goobers",

"F is for friends who do things together

U is for you and me

N is for anywhere and anytime at all

Down in the deep blue sea

F is for fire that burns down the whole town

U is for uranium bombs

N is for no survivors when you'r-"

"Oh, so you can remember that but you can't remember my phone number huh", Dad teased

"it's...... different", I defended.


"Well one is numbers and the other is words", Charlie sighed before walking off somewhere.

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