Chapter 34

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*I update this book every Monday 

Alice's P.O.V.

I gasped a bit as Dinah said that to Jane, would Jane actually hurt her?

I reached out to grab Dinah, but Edward stopped me midway shaking his head. I guess he had read Jane's mind, had he forgotten that if she got hurt Bella would be angry with him.

" one has spoken to me like that before", Jane mused. I watched as Dinah squinted her eyes, in annoyance.

"Good for you?", She said. "Anyways don't think you can-"

3rd P.O.V

Dinah stood still, staring blankly at nothing. The rest of the group waited for her, Edward had the urge to snap his fingers in front of her face, but Bella stopped him.

"Give her a moment", She said. Bella was also curious to see who was going to front now, was it anyone she knew.


"Oh dear...oh no...I'm sorry", A man's voice said, he had an accent, a British one to be exact.

"...I-I didn't mean to cut her off", He mumbled.

"What's your name", Bella asked, coming closer. The man stepped back, "Um... you may call me Daniel".

"Oh you might already know but my name is Bella"

"Oh yes, I know you are the topic of a lot of our conversations", Daniel chuckled before looking down shyly.

"So...I shall take my leave", Jane spoke before walking away. She was so quiet before that the Cullens and Bella forgot she was there.

Daniel's P.O.V.

Dinah is going to be mad at me for interrupting her. I didn't mean to interrupt her, it just happened.

I don't want to be here

"We should probably go, now", Edward said.

"Umm, where are we going... " Daniel shyly spoke

We are going back to forks

They walked out of the castle and left for the airport

They better behave

Can someone take control I don't like this

You're doing fine 

At the airport

We all sat on the plane, I looked out the window listening to my alters talk while the two Cullens and Bella were huddled together whispering while looking at us every now and then. You could tell they were talking about us and Zadie. It was rude, I didn't like it, but I didn't want to draw more attention to myself by speaking up.

You know they could try to make it less obvious

Look at the pretty clouds - Lila

Ooh that one looks like a bunny - David

Oooh that one looks like its a tiger - Willy

Jack, they are making me feel uncomfortable... - Daniel

Got you - Jack

"Did you know that gossiping is rude, and stop staring at us before I get angry", Jack said switching out with Daniel?

But he didn't stay for long as Dinah took over.

The Cullens stared as they watched 2 people come and go in Zadie's body, let's just say they were confused. Bella, who knew she had messed up, listened to Jack's command.

"What did he just say", Dinah said menacingly. The Cullens turned their head away from them and looked down. The rest of the plane ride home was very awkward, nobody made a sound, Dinah just relaxed and stared out the window completely at ease.

"Please put your seatbelts on and prepare for landing, flight attendants take your seats and prepare for landing", A rough voice spoke over the intercom.

One flight attendant stood and walked up and down the aisles making sure everyone's seatbelts were buckled and their trays were put away before she went and sat down.

Dinah scrunched her face as she struggled to stay fronting, the littles were trying to breakthrough. Daniel soon got them under control though.

Her face then went back to the void emotionless state the Cullens were used to.

The plane tilted downwards as the pilot got ready to land, the landing was a bit bumpy but nobody had died which was good, though Jack really did want the Cullens to die. But not everyone can get a win.

Dinah's P.O.V.

"BELLA, ZADIE", Charlie yelled out in relief as we stepped out of the car. Edward had driven us back home from the airport.

I reluctantly gave him a hug knowing that he wanted one, even though I wasn't Zadie, but I'll tell him that later. He'll figure it out soon.

"YOU", He said, turning to Edward.

"Dad", Bella calls out trying to diffuse the situation. "Let's not do this today, Edward is leaving now".

I rolled my eyes as Charlie listened to her. If I were him I would have slapped her right there and then. Anyways...

Walking inside the house I immediately went to Zadie's room and flopped onto the bed. I can't tell you how much I hate Edward. It's just too great of a hatred.

Shooting up from the bed I remembered, Harry died. When is his funeral?

Running down the stairs I bumped into Charlie, just the person I wanted to see.

"Zadie, are you okay", Charlie asks looking over our body for any injuries.

"My name is Dinah, and I have a question".

"Oh, um...yes what's your question".

"When is Harry's funeral". He looked at me with pain in his eyes, "You missed it by a day".

"Do you mind if I", I asked, gesturing to the door? "N-no, go right ahead". I could tell he wanted us to stay but I didn't really care right now.

"Don't go too far please", He added as I walked out the door. I nodded even though he couldn't see me before entering the woods. I didn't know where I was going but with each step, I could feel my heartbreaking.

I moved my legs but as I moved them, pain shot through my legs, I weaved through the trees ignoring the pain of the leaves and branches hitting me in my face. I continued on until I reached a small clearing the grass was yellowish-green probably from not getting enough rain.

But it became too painful even for me.

My legs gave way and I fell to the ground, my hands instinctively shot out in front of me so that I didn't fall and hit my head.

Pain was all I felt, clawing at my head I let out an ear-piercing scream.

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