Chapter 49

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A couple days ago I turned 8 Bella wasn't there tho for my party because she's on her honeymoon. She was supposed to be here before my birthday but apparently she's sick. I told you Edward is bad news man but nobody listened. Welp not my problem cuz it was just as good without her. Noah, Hailey, Yuri and I went ice skating honestly we sucked so bad. Everyone except Noah tho cuz he's on steroids. After that we went to the diner and ate lunch and I got a huge ice cream Sunday that I shared with everyone I was so full I could've thrown up.

"Damn it!" Charlie was trying to call the Cullens to see about Bella's condition but they either didn't pick up the phone or say she was too sick to have someone visit. Sounds like bull to me but who am I to judge.

"Honestly I say we just move, if it's so contagious I don't wanna be here if we have some pandemic because Bella got sick," I spoke from the kitchen table. Charlie just shook his head before collapsing in the chair next to me.

"That's not gonna happen."

"Which part cuz with Bella's luck I wouldn't take the pandemic off the table," I said waving my pencil around.

"Just do your homework Zadie," He sighed.

"Just saying," I shrugged. I hate math.

30 minutes later

"Finally finished!"

I got up from the table and grabbed my homework before running up the stairs. Once I reached the top stair I collapsed. My chest felt like it was burning and bile built up in the throat. I grabbed my throat as I coughed an ugly sounding cough.

I was coughing so much that I couldn't breathe. My chest got tight as little air came into my lungs.

"Dad," I called out weakly before I fell into another coughing fit.

"Zadie are you ok," Dad said running up the stairs and picking me up. He started patting my back and took me outside.

"Breathe Zadie breathe," he said panicking.

What the hell do you think I'm trying to do? I felt something slimy come up from my throat and I spit it out.

I felt something drip down my chin onto my hands. I wiped my mouth with my hand and felt something moist and slimy it kinda reminded me of snot but black.

I coughed some more of it up and then my head started feeling weird.

"Are you ok Zadie," Dad asked clearly not trying to freak me out.

Well Sherlock does it look like I'm ok.

I saw him pull out his phone and call 911. Ah damn it's my time isn't it. I'm gonna die well it's been a great 8 years of life you know I did none of the things I wanted to do but it's all good.

I covered my mouth with my hand as i felt something coming up. Ah man here we go again. My stomach rumbled as I threw up my lunch mixed with the black goo. We're gonna call it goo.

I groaned in pain as I heard the sirens shifting my positions in Charlie's lap I saw the ambulance speed down the road. What if they just...crashed.

Dad put me down as the paramedics rushed out of the ambulance. My eyes blurred as the rushed around and I started to get dizzy.

Alice's POV

I gasped as I got sucked out of a vision. My family looked at me in concern.

"I saw an ambulance leaving from your house Bella," I told them. Bella quickly sat up from her position on the couch but fell back down hissing in pain.

"What's happening!?" She yelled. "Are they ok!"

"Calm down Bella I'll go check it out and be back is a second," Emmett said reassuring her. I knew that he just wanted to check if Zadie was ok since he seemed to like her a lot.

1 minute later

Emmett had come back with a look of confusion.

"What happened!" Bella asked freaking out.

"There's a weird smell from inside and outside in the lawn there's black like goo on the floor and throw up," he reported.

We all looked to Carlisle as he thought.

"You said that Zadie has a mate right," he pondered.

"yes," we responded confused by the question.

"It might be because she hasn't seen her mate for so long and her body is reacting to it." He explained. "I'm going to go in to make sure that she's not getting the wrong treatment."

I have revived.

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