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Zadie/Host: is the alter who fronts the most out of all the alters, she is also the firstborn alter. Trauma holder

Miriam/emotional protector:75-a strict woman with long black hair that is usually put in a bun.

Role is to support Zadie and to keep the peace within the inner world

Jack/Primary Protector: 21-a carefree trouble maker who likes to annoy people but if there is danger he is the one to take charge. Short brown hair, hazel eyes, and is very tall.

Role is to protect the body from any physical harm, has a high pain tolerance

Dinah/Protector: 18-is a no-nonsense type of girl and is usually the butt of Jack's jokes for being too serious.

Role is to protect the body from any physical harm, has a high pain tolerance

Daniel/Caretaker: 42-a shy older man has a slight British accent.

Role is to take care of the littles and weaker alters

Scarlett/Gatekeeper:24-a strict woman who likes to spend time with Daniel.

Role is to control switches to the front and access to certain areas, access to certain alters, or memories. She can withhold memories with abuse from alters that might not be ready to experience it yet.

Willy/Child:6- talkative, tries to befriend Nathan when he isn't with Lila or David. Platinum blonde hair that covers his striking gray eyes.Trauma holder

Role they talk in a child-like way and act like children

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