Chapter 16

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After Bella left us, Charlie and I slowly started going back to the way things were before she came. Every day after school we went to the diner, then we would go home and watch TV until Charlie remembered I had homework to do.

After homework, it would be my turn to pick a show but if there was nothing on, I would draw and Charlie would clean his gun. To me watching TV with dad was my favorite because if my team won, he would have to do my least favorite homework assignment for me.

If Dad's team won, I had to do all my homework and I had to help him clean the dishes. Like I hate doing dishes, HATE it.

But not as much as I hate Edward. He is on my kill list, mommy told me that whenever you really hate someone, they're supposed to go on your kill list. So, naturally Edward is on it because I really hate him.

Bella has been M.I.A. for 3 days now and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her. She would always let me have extra snacks for snack time.

You know that kid in school that always had the good snacks, that was me. ZADIE SWAN EVERY BODY!

"Zadie, come get your jacket we need to go to the hospital now", Daddy exclaimed from downstairs. I furrowed my eyebrows, he's not clumsy like Bella.

I grabbed my forest green jacket Alice had gotten me and rushed down the stairs. I looked Dad over, I didn't see any sign of injury. Shrugging I pulled on my sketchers and allowed myself to be placed in the car seat.

"Where we going", I asked. I looked at his hands that were turning white from the amount of pressure he was outing on the steering wheel.

"The Hospital to see your sister", Dad mumbled. I groaned out loud. I don't like her.

She left us Zadie

Don't trust her again unless you want to get rejected again

Don't forgive her, she hurt Dad

I say we kill her

No, KILLING HER, I thought angrily.

Why was I hearing voices that weren't mine? They didn't even sound like my voice, weird.

I hardened my face and unclipped my seatbelt. Opening the door I hopped out the car. Charlie grabbed my hand as we walked into the hospital building.

I sighed inhaling the smell. I love the smell of hospitals, which is weird because almost everyone hates it. But I especially love the smell of their hands because of the type of hand sanitizer they use.

It's weird but I love it. Which is why I also love going to the doctor's office.

"This way", Dad said, pulling me along.

My eyes roamed around the busy hospital before they landed on a weeping woman. She was wearing a red pantsuit, her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, her feet were adorned with black heels. She looked beautiful, the red she wore stood out against the plain hospital walls.

My eyes only left her body because Charlie had pulled me into a room. I put on the best glare I could muster and looked up at a bruised, broken Bella.

Ha, she deserves it.

I say we rip out the wires and drag her

We mustn't kill her yet

The girl is useful we should keep her

Ehh who gives a damn just leave already

I let out a quiet gasp as the voices rushed into my head. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to drown them out. Charlie nudged me.

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