Chapter 7

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"Wakie wakie", someone said shaking me gently. I groaned and rolled over nudging their hand off in the process.

"Come on princess, wake up", 

"ughh....nooo.... tired", I mumbled out pulling the blanket over my head.

"Come on get up", Dad said more firmly. He got my ankles and lifted me in the air.

"Ahhhh put me down", I giggled. I was smiling so much it hurt. He finally put me down and told me to get changed. I nodded and looked in my closet for something that looked like it would match.

 I nodded and looked in my closet for something that looked like it would match

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After getting changed I went outside my room to look for Bella

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After getting changed I went outside my room to look for Bella. I padded over to her room and knocked on the door. I waited a bit before barging in, I flung the door open and saw that she wasn't there. I sighed before walking back over to my room.

I looked at the drawings I made and decided that they were good enough to be gifted. I packed up my tiny book bag and approached the steps. I sat and the top step and scooted down the stairs. 

The further down I went the more noise I heard. 

"Come on Zay  we gotta go we'll be late", Bella said rushing me out the door.

"But my food", I whined. I was hungry. Bella quickly left my side and went into the kitchen. A while after she came back and she came with FOOD!!

She grabbed my arm and put me in the truck.

"Bella", Dad called.

"Yeah dad", She responded turning quickly.

"I uh... put new tires on your truck since its slippery outside", he told her. I smiled at how thoughtful he was. He needs a wife.

"Oh um... thanks", Bella said. Her face was red I guess she was blushing. Weirdo?

I opened up the food she got me and it was a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. God bless her soul. I started eating while Bella concentrated on not killing us on this ice.

 *At the school*

I finished my food and was now happily skipping next to Bella. She was on her way to class with Mike Newton. Ugh, he is so annoying he always messes up my hair, like I am not a dog.

"Hey BELLA", I heard nuisance.... I mean Newton yell from down the hall.

"Wait up haha", I called as he ran down to met her. I quickly started dragging Bella into the classroom, hoping he wouldn't catch up. But he did. Because Bella being dumb decided not to let me drag her away. T-T

"hey Mike", Bella said. Ugh don't call him over here. I thought we didn't like him, we're supposed to have the same brain waves and stuff.

"I'm gonna go to the potty", I told Bella. 

"Do you want me to go with you", she was practically begging me with her eyes for me  to say yes. But since she decided to bring the infuriating, exasperating human over her, I'm gonna make her pay.

"No uh, I'm a big girl now", I said before leaving her alone.

I dashed off to the direction of the bathroom. I chose to go now because one, most of the kids are in class so the halls will be empty. Two the people that are skipping class and roaming the halls wouldn't want anything to do with a little girl like me. On the bad side there might be some weirdos in the bathroom. So, yeah maybe I should've come with Bella. Oh well I hope she is enjoying her time with Mikey.

"hey what's a little girl like you doing in a place like this", some girl who barely had any clothes on asked me.

How in the world do they not get dress coded but if you show some shoulders you'll be asked to change right away. WHAT IS THE LOGIC. I don't know anybody here with a shoulder fetish.

"I'm walking in the bathroom to pee, because obviously that's what you do in the bathroom", I told her.

"Rude, but don't worry I'll teach you some manners you little brat", She yelled. She grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me down the halls.

"Hey, let go", I screamed. Squirming in her grasp, she had a vice like grip and she smelled like she was trying to cover some bad smell with perfume. I coughed as it went down the throat, the perfume. Just to be clear.

"Where are we going", I asked still trying to get her off me.

"A place where you can learn decency",she told me.

"Oh well are we both going there, you must've been there plenty of times then", I told her. Ouch, shouldn't have said that. She threw me against the lockers. My head slammed against the door. Ouch!

That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick!. (sorry I'll stop, lol)

"HEY", I deep voice shouted from down the hall.

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