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Author-Chan's notes
lmao ya girl has hella depression and writers block


I'm sorry for not posting as much as I usually would but I just haven't felt any inspiration lately for anything.
I hope imma be back for a while now but I still don't know.

Anyways I love you all sm 💓


"(Y/n)? You up yet?"

Maddies voice rang through my ears as I opened my eyes to the sunshine filling the room.

Maddie was next to me with her phone in her hands and a weak smile playing on her lips.

"Y-yea, how's Yukie?"

I questioned in a whisper while glancing over to the other bed area.

Yukie was cuddled with Yachi next to her and Kiyoko not far beside Yachi.
All of them were curled under a blanket with the pillows basically thrown everywhere.

At least Yukie looked like she was okay, there were some bruises on her arms that was obvious, plus the forming black eye she had.

That one was definitely going to be there for a while.

"She's alright, Coach said that she didn't have anything broken or anythin like that. She's gonna be sore for a while but luckily there's no serious injury."

Maddie assured stretching out her back and leaning up more to set her phone down and glance at the other managers. 

A soft sigh left her lips as she pulled the blanket off her legs and spun around partially to get out of bed.

"Ya know, I'm gonna miss you when this whole shit is over. Sure I hate that this is happening to you guys but god damn, I sound like a selfish prick now, but I missed spending time with everyone."

Maddies chuckle almost made me laugh, though all I did was just smile and scoff jokingly to myself.

"I'll miss everyone, that's not selfish."

I coughed after finishing my sentence but as per usual the burning stuck around.

"Well, yea I guess not, but somethin is just bothering me."

Maddie said while resting her hands behind her head and glancing down at me.
I raised a brow while pulling the blankets off myself as well.

Getting up I waited for Maddie to talk as I dug through my clothes so I could shower and hopefully just have a good time as a manager today.

"Ya see, you're best friends with Oikawa right?"

She questioned rhetorically, while I turned to nod at her briefly to tell her to keep talking.

"And you're boyfriend/ex/whatever the hell you are, is Atsumu. Your rep at Inarizaki has no problem beating the living fuck outta you, but that never happened at Seijoh?"

Maddie asked while I got one of my dresses and some other things from my bag and draped them over my shoulder.

"Oikawa never left my side, ever. So he wouldn't give the rep a chance at me."

I basically had to whisper out since my throat was still dry and stinging.
Maddie's frown did cause a small pang in my heart seeing her look at me like that.

"Guess I need to make you into a leash child with Atsumu then, then Lyla couldn't get near you."

She joked half heartedly while digging through her bag.
I giggled a tiny bit while nodding so I could head into the bathroom to shower.

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