Black ops

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(Y/n) POV
Once we made it back to my place the Inarizaki guys seemed a bit surprised at how big the house is.
It was already unlocked with Iwaizumi and Kindaichi inside.

"Princess! I hope ShityKawa took good care of you today during practice."

Iwaizumi said getting up from the couch and hugging me tightly.
I nodded in his arms as he glared up at Oikawa.

"I swear I'll throw you to China if you embarrassed her at all today."

Oikawa seemed to shiver a bit at his words which caused everyone to laugh at the two.
Kindaichi cheered as he gave a quick hug to Kita and they both began talking with each other.

"Well nice place ya got here."
Atsumu said as we all moved over to the couch and sat in various positions.
I was resting up against the arm rest with Iwaizumi laying his head on my shoulder.

Oikawa was laying in an arm chair with his feet kicked up on the arm rest.
Kita and Kindaichi were in their own world talking to each other over by the bar area.
And the twins were both separated with Osamu on an arm chair and Atsumu laying down on the other wing of the couch.
(Picture like an L shape couch)

I poked Iwaizumi who seemed to break from his relaxation as I pointed to the Xbox controller.
"You wanna play?"

He questioned as I nodded and he leaned over and handed me the controller.
"Wait you play games too?!"

Atsumu piped up with both him and his brother staring at me in awe now.
I nodded as the screen loaded to Black Ops 3 and I began playing.

"Can I play after you lose (y/n)?"
Iwaizumi asked as I nodded, Oikawa seemed pretty annoyed by this but he passed it off.

"Iwa you know she doesn't lose easily."
"I know but the thought is still there."

They both said while I started ripping through the other team.
The twins were both just staring in awe now as I messed with the controller.

"What the hell?! I can't even get that many kills!"
Atsumu pouted while Osamu was just watching intently.

"She's been playing for a long time, she's probably gonna go pro at some point."
Iwaizumi explained to the pair while I just kept getting kills.

"Go pro in a video game?"
Osamu asked since he clearly didn't know that that was possible to do.

"Yea look at the score."
Iwaizumi pointed to the point total, it was 75-40 in our favor. I had about 65 of those kills.

"What the fuck?!"
Atsumu yelled looking at me with his lips still in a pout while Osamu hit his arm.

"I think we found someone who could give you a run for your money Tsumu."
Osamu taunted which seemed to peak the interest of everyone, including myself.

After the match had finished I looked over at Osamu with my brow raised.
"He's pretty good at this game but not as good as you from what it seems."

Osamu explained hitting his counter part in the back.
"I could totally beat her! I don't know what you're talking about Samu."
Atsumu said crossing his arms while Osamu sighed to himself.
"Prove it jackass."

~QUIET~ [Atsumu x Reader 18+]Where stories live. Discover now