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Author-Chan's notes
• Alright I should have the start to a new Oikawa x Reader story similar to this posted on my page 🤍 so if y'all are interested go check that out 🥺

The title is 'Hushed' 🥰

I'm so glad you're all enjoying this story as much as I love writing it•
So hope you all enjoy this long train wreck of a chapter

(Y/n) POV
The day went on now with me spending almost all of the training hours with them.
Inarizaki was crushing the competition with Seijoh and Fukurodani not far behind.
They are were incredibly good teams to say the least.

Plus Karasuno's number 10 was basically ogling Atsumu and Oikawa the whole time.
He definitely struck me as the ball of energy type, but I didn't have much time to focus on that.

Tendō had been keeping me busy with his switch, a few different mangas, and him basically taunting Semi the whole time.
Semi was mothering the hell out of me, along with Shirabu.
Which was definitely nice but I learned Seijoh, Inarizaki, and Shiratorizawa were all playing tomorrow.

So either one of two things needed to happen.
Either one, I stayed with Maddie and the rest of Nekoma all day and cling to her like Bokuto to Akaashi.
Or I could stay in the room and do literally nothing productive all day.

It was safe to say I was going to be with the Maddie route.
She was a really nice girl and it seemed she was in the same situation as me with most of Nekoma ogling her the whole time.
Even Kuroo, who was so nerdy it impressed me how easily he got girlfriends.

"(Y/n)?! Are you awake?"

Tendō was snapping in front of my face to break me from thoughts.
We were all watching the Seijoh game since Goshiki was also basically fangirling over Oikawa.

I nodded while he sat back and rested his hands behind his head now.
Seijoh was playing Fukurodani so as you can imagine, it was an extremely loud and unstable game.

Or at least on Fukurodani's side it was, Bokuto was having heavy mood swings due to Oikawa's serves and Issei's blocks.
It wasn't much of a surprise since Issei was an amazing blocker and Oikawa was one of the best setters.

"So you wanna play a few games when they're done? I think it's the last match of the day."
Tendō questioned now shaking my head with one hand on top of my head and the other under my chin.

I shrugged since even if I was to play, I couldn't exactly do call outs or anything.
He seemed to understand but he kept messing with my head since he was trying to make me feel better.

"Tendō you're going to hurt her."

Mother Semi stepped in and took his hands off my head, this gained a small pout from Tendō but he understood anyways.

"I'm sure your little lover boy will want some alone time with you though right?"

Tendō teased while I nodded, even though I knew Oikawa would be pushing more to be around me now that he knew about this injury.
The whistle blew and that was the end of the last game of the day.

Seijoh had won now which was a good thing since a sad Oikawa was a bad combo with me being injured.
The rest of the guys were in the showers now which was nice since the gym was pretty quiet.
Seijoh was celebrating slightly but nothing too major, Bokuto and Oikawa were chatting though which was new.

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