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Author-Chan's notes
• So I'm thinking of making an Oikawa version of this story since a couple of you have asked for one. I'll still be continuing this one but it's just if you're interested☺️
Just leave a comment if you think you'd like that.
I've been working on an MHA Overhaul x Reader story recently so that was taking up a bit of my time.
But I'd be happy to write an Oikawa version of this, I do have one Oikawa x Reader already on my page also🥺
(He's my baby, fight me)


(Y/n) POV
"(Y/n) I hope you know that your voice will be gone again for at least 2 days. The damage that was already done to it hasn't fully healed, this just makes it worse."
The nurse sighed while I was basically banging my head against Atsumu's shoulder.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Are you and the other boys able to take care of her? I believe on her record it says that Oikawa Tooru had taken care of her before."

"We definitely can, isn't there anything you could do about Lyla? She just assaulted (y/n) for no reason!"
Atsumu was still fuming while I tried to calm him down by grabbing his hand and squeezing softly.

"Unfortunately no because this isn't your school grounds, any reliably would be falling under the papers you all signed before you came here."

I rolled my eyes internally while swallowing down some water, it hurt like a bitch to say the least.

"What I would suggest is (y/n) staying quiet for at least 2 days. It will be hard as manager but I hope you can manage."
I nodded still mentally slapping myself for getting into this situation in the first place.

"She's done it before, when she started she couldn't talk either."
Atsumu sounded somewhat defeated now while he gripped my hand harder.

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that (y/n). But all I can recommend is some pain medication and for you to drink tea or other soothing beverages to possibly help your throat faster."

I tried to sigh but if barley came out as a squeak, standing up I thanks the nurse with a nod while Atsumu joined me.

He opened the door for me and we headed out, on the way back to the gym I did see Lyla who was still glaring daggers into me.

But wait, it gets worse.
She was talking with what I assumed to be the other class reps, they all looked like they were her new underlings for the week.

"Ignore her Princess, she's nothing compared to you."
Atsumu comforted me while kissing my head, the girls did all fume but I figured it would just make things worse.

When we got back to the court it was a much different story, I immediately got swarmed by the other female managers that all looked worried sick.

"(Y/n)! I heard what happened! Are you okay?!"
Kiyoko immediately said pulling me into a hug while the rest of the girls were probably thinking the same question.

I looked back at Atsumu since I seriously didn't want to type out a whole thing.

"She will be okay in a few days, Lyla basically punched her so hard it ruptured the chord again."
Atsumu explained while I was basically being mothered by the other managers.

~QUIET~ [Atsumu x Reader 18+]Where stories live. Discover now