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I go to school and get good grades, I somewhat behave properly, I hand in my work and assignments on time and I help out wherever I can.

I'm a good student but that doesn't mean I'm quiet, innocent and don't have a social life. I'm the opposite of all those things, I go to every party, have a good group of friends, and I even have a boyfriend. You don't need to be a good quiet kid to do well in school.

All though there are certain crowds I try to avoid, such as the football team. They're great guys, I'm best friends with them. I give them free therapy, relationship advice and help out in the fashion department as well. However, some of the people they hang out with and attract aren't so great. A lot of the girls they go out with last a very short time and usually tend to hate me, even though I have a boyfriend they still think I'm out to get their man. 

"Earth to Alya, hello," a hand waves in front of my face.

"What?" I say coming back into focus.

"Have you left your head and gone to another universe?"

"Something like that."

"Well, thanks for joining us again, anyway I needed your opinion on something," Maya sticks her phone in front of my face.

"Okay so, number one..." swipes to the next photo "or number two?"

"Number two definitely." 

"Who's house is the party at again?" Maya says slightly distracted, still looking at the dress I chose for her, "Um, isn't it the tall, blonde, plays soccer, what's his name again?" I say sarcastically.

"I think his name is Damian, is that right?" Damian responds sarcastically, "Oh, yeah, yeah that's right," I wink at him and giggle.

"Huh?" Maya questions finally looking at us, "Oh it's at Damian's Alya," Damian and I burst out laughing whilst Maya just glares at us. Damian seizes the chance to steal the packet of chips laying untouched in front of Maya.

"Hey! I wanted those," She crosses her arms over her chest defensively, Damian proceeds to open the packet and slowly down the chips. Maya just stares him down before loosing interest and focusing on her phone again. 

A hand wraps around my waist and I'm pulled into the side of a warm body, "Hey," Kayden's voice is quiet and tired, "What's up with you?" he shakes his head, "Nothing, don't worry about it," Kayden plants a kiss on my forehead, "Are you sure? You can tell me whatever it is," I say with concern in my voice.

He just shakes his head in response and gives me a small grin to reassure me. I slump my shoulders, for some reason I can never get whatever is bothering Kayden out of him. His hand tightens around my waist and I fall into his chest. 

"How was football practice?" I say hoping he'll at least answer that.

"It was good, coach has us running like there's no tomorrow," he chuckles a bit and for the smallest amount of time I see an actual smile on his face, not one that covers up his worries. 

"Well tell him thank you for me because now I have a jacked boyfriend," I feel Kayden's chest vibrate as he laughs at that, "Sure thing Ally," he snickers kissing my head. 

I zone out trying to block out all the noise outside, the girls squealing over someone who slid into their dm's, the boys chanting some random thing, some girls laughing about something. My own friend gasping about some celebrity gossip, Damian still crunching on those chips, the football team calling for the ball to be passed to them. I let it all fade away and focus on my fidgeting fingers, the beat of Kayden's heart, my breathing but now there's space for everything else to flood it and cause a ratchet. My homework due tomorrow, my Math exam, my English exam, the library book I have to return, other exams due weeks from now, studying, more homework. I start shaking my leg unconsciously and try to mentally picture boxing all those stresses away. Then a voice starts talking and I quickly pull my attention back to Kayden. 

"-football game?"

"You have a football game?"

"It's on this weekend starts at 4:00," He says brushing my hair. 

"I'll be there for sure," I say with a grin then take out my mental schedule and start re-organising my studying and homework sessions. 

The game takes out a whole night of work meaning I'll have to try and finish as much as I can during the school day as well as taking no study breaks the day after the game so I can finish up any leftover work. I take a few deep breaths then put away my mental schedule and continue to block out all outside noises. 

But the one thing I can't block out is the bell for class, I let Kayden stand up before he grabs my hands and pulls me up. Then swings an arm over my shoulder and walks me to my locker. I have been on bottom locker every single year, but thankfully my odds changed this year and I finally got a top one. I slide my finger down to period five and six, Math and Science, ew the worst two subjects possible and not to mention they are right after each other. 

Kayden reads my face, "Ally, you'll survive okay, I pinky promise," he pouts and puts out his pinky, "I don't believe so, but thank you for the encouragement," I put a smile on my face and interlock my pinkie with Kayden's, then we turn our separate ways and walk to class. I walk all the way to the other end of the school, only to realise halfway that he isn't walking with me, he always walks with me. Not Kayden but his best friend.


The first chapter done! Yay, what are your thoughts? There isn't much dialogue but a lot of describing I guess? Sorry about that but I kind of wanted you to get to know Alya a bit. 

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