Maya's Life

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A/N: There is mention of physical abuse, I'm not sure if it is triggering but, I want to put this warning just in case it is. 

The only thing you'll miss out on if you deicide to skip is that Maya's mother hits her. 

I slump down in my chair hastily tapping my pencil. Ms. McGrey is doing laps around the library as she decides which book to chose for her grandson who is more than capable of coming to a library and borrowing his own book. She's come past me about ten times and I'm losing my patience cause it really throws me off when she does. I shake my head at the thought and smile up at her, as she passes once again.

I continue my work, I need to catch up on a lot of homework and I am not letting anything get in my way. My main priority is school even if that means loosing a bit of sleep and stressing about it. It's pretty empty in the library meaning I can have some well needed peace and quiet with no distractions.

But my phone knocks me out of my daze. I quickly look down to see who's calling me. It's an early weekend morning who would be calling me? I turn my phone around and see the called ID. It reads pink drink, I chuckle a bit at the name and answer.

"Hey," I say cheerfully.

"I- can I come over?" Maya's voice is quiet and shaky, she lets out long but heavy breaths. I swallow thickly wondering what's going on but quickly answer her.

"Yeah, yeah of course," I start slamming my books closed and shoving everything into my bag.

"Thanks, I'll see you soon, love you."

"Yeah see you then, love you too," she ends the call and I get up from my seat. I rush out of the door and start making my way home as fast as I can, completely forgetting about anything school related that I have to do.

As I enter my driveway Maya does as well. She looks rough, her bright pink hair is knotted and all over the place, being barely contained in the ponytail she manages to throw it in. Maya's eyes are swollen and she is covering part of her face with her hand.

"Maya?" I walk up to her and slowly place my hand on hers pulling it down, I gasp when I see the damage. 

"Oh gosh, come on, come inside," I walk Maya over to the door and open it slowly with her following behind me. I let her sit down on the couch whilst I grab an ice pack and some water. Then I lead her up the stairs carefully and walk her over to my bedroom. I let us both in and sit her down on my bed so, she is leaning against the bed's head board. 

I sit myself down opposite her and hold the ice pack against her warm skin. Maya flinches slightly at the small pressure but relaxes as it cools her down. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask quietly. 

Maya shakes her head and places out her arms, I move forward to meet her embrace and wrap my arms around her. 

"My mum got angry again," Maya says her voice wavering, I nod and stroke her hair. I don't expect her to continue she hates talking about anything personal at all. I understand though because I don't like to. Because I always end up oversharing and regretting it. 

"Stay here for the night but, you're always welcome, okay?"


I think she falls asleep because for the next few hours I don't hear a peep from Maya besides her steady breathing. But, slowly she starts moving around and shifting her position until finally her eyes flutter open. Maya looks around the room scanning it and slowly pushes herself up before realising that I'm beside her. And that she is in my room rather than at home with mother. 

"Hey," I turn over to face Maya, half her face has bruises and her lack of sleep is evident. I give her a small smile to which she returns one. I push myself up as well resting against my pillows as we both stare at the wall in front of us. 

"I don't want to say it because even though she hurts me I still love her but she is so, so, so, stupid," Maya's voice weakens at the last word. 

"Why do you put up with it?" I ask turning to face Maya, she chucks her hood over the top of her head presumably to cover up the bruises. 

"For some reason I always think it's going to change, she's going to love me and she'll care for me like she's supposed to," She shrugs weakly and looks over at me.

"Can I ask why she hit you?"

Maya takes in a long breath before explaining, "she met someone new a few months back, I already knew he was bad but anyway he ended up getting really drunk and lost it at her. He was my mums ride home so he dropped her off but not before coming into the house and continuing to tell her off for some of the shit she's done. I wanted to help her and I didn't want anything bad to happen so, I got out of my room and- and she- she um," Maya chokes up at the words so, I sling a comforting arm around her and give her a tight squeeze.

"It's alright, you don't have to keep going."

She swallows thickly deciding to put a brave face on, "I was telling him to leave and helping her, defending her and she lashed out on me, said I was making it worse and she hit me and she enjoyed it. I saw the smile on her face when she did it, she was happy like she found an outlet. He yelled at her to stop but, she wouldn't. He eventually came over and tore her off me and told me to run and leave."

"I'm sorry Maya, please you can't go back home to her. Not after that, you need to tell someone about it. You can't keep pretending that what she does is okay."

"I know but-"

"No but's Maya it's not acceptable."


I kind of realised that I need to explore the antagonists lives as well. So, that is a bit of insight to Maya's life. 

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