Party vol.2

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This weekend it's Dylan's turn to host the party, I get ready by putting on my go to black dress that never disappoints, I don't even bother with make up who can be bothered, right? I know Kayden will be there and I plan on avoiding him but Monday will be a different story. I grab a grey sweater from from cupboard, it may seem lame but, when you're like me and almost always end up sitting outside you only make the mistake to shiver in the cold all night once. I grab my phone checking the time only to be interrupted by Maya's beeping horn. Gosh my friends just love to embarrass me. 

After the incident with her mother Maya decides the best thing to do is go to a party. I want to talk her out of it but, I know her, her way of coping is socialising and going out. 

I run down the stairs and quickly shut and lock my door before taking the backseat in Maya's car. I give her a stare which asks if she's okay, she smiles back and nods her head. The bruises are very well covered by her make up. I turn my focus back to the noise coming from the car. That's when I am greeted by the beautiful noise of the one and only biggest boy band ever that will for sure go down in history combined with Maya's now annoyed face. One Direction. And the person sitting next to her, Sam. Gosh I love this boy already, he knows exactly how to win over his dates friends. I take advantage of this time and karaoke with Sam as we head of to Dylan's house.  

We arrive at the house before the majority of people so it isn't anywhere near as loud as it will be in hours to come. The door's unlocked so we walk straight in to see a small amount of people who divide themselves into the groups they're friends with. Sam and Maya ditch us to go and sit down on the couch, which has been swapped out to black leather couches since the last incident that happened. Let's just say don't host parties if you have white couches. I have no idea what was going through his mind to even remotely think it was a good idea.  

It's been about half an hour since we got here and Kayden has finally made it to the party, I haven't given him a glance since he got here. I am not going to pay attention to him I'm here to have a fun time for about another half an hour, then freak out and run outside where I will spend the rest of the night. It's basically routine now so I wouldn't know how to act if I didn't do that, no point in change now. 

I assess my surroundings, there's about ten girls swamping Dylan, who surprisingly looks extremely disinterested, he gives me a smirk when he catches my gaze I roll my eyes. Then there's Maya and Sam who look incredibly in love, how did she score such a fine man? Damian, god knows where he is, he always goes missing during parties and you can't find him until he wounds up drunk and comes outside to me looking for a ride home. That's usually when we decide it's best to leave and somehow without managing to get caught we get him into his house undetected. 

I'm waiting for the day we get caught.  

The music is at an annoyingly loud volume so I decide it's time to leave and sit on my lonely ass outside. 

"Hello." I hear a smug voice, "what are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same question Alya," I smile at Dylan, "you know why I'm out here."

"Yes, in fact I do," He walks over to where I am sitting, "did none of the girls interest you, what is happening to you Dylan? You are slowly going to loose your bad boy reputation," He licks his lips, "remember you're the only one who sees the good side of me."

"And why is that?" I huff out, "because every time you have talked to me, you've been in need of emotional support," I raise my eyebrows, "fair enough." I nod my head and we both lay back and stare up at the stars. 

"Are you going to break up with him?"

I swallow thickly, "I-"

"You can be honest with me," he turns to his side to look at me, "I am going to talk to him on Monday-"



"I'm telling you Alya, do it tomorrow, it's better to do it sooner then later and you don't want to do it at school, it's much more peaceful to do it when you have time,"

I nod he is right, I'm only pushing it further because I'm afraid, but what am I really afraid of? I know it's over, "and the sooner you do it the sooner I can show you what you like to call my 'bad boy' side," he bursts out laughing, "stop," I say giving in and laughing. 

"Hey, you can even have like hook ups now like me."

"Is that the only reason you want me to break up with him?"

"Dawson, you have to live a little," Dylan makes a tiny gap with his finger, "and I know a bunch of guys who would kill to make out with you," I push his hands down, "Thanks, Dylan, I'll keep that noted in the back of my head," I say sarcastically, "no seriously, I would not joke about that." He responds in the most serious tone anyone could muster. 

I turn to look at him, his eyes are focused on the sky, "Can you see that?" I turn to look where his finger is pointed, "look, if you connect the stars it creates like a pigs face."

I burst out laughing, "Have you been drinking?"

"No, I swear I have not," Dylan puts his hands up and starts to chuckle, "'so, you have?"

"Alya Louis Dawson I would never in a million years lie to you." Dylan states seriously, "Really?" he nods his head, "Seriously."


I am kind of enjoying the small scenes between Dylan and Alya and the small progress they are making. I hope we get to see this 'bad boy' side of Dylan, haha. 

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