One Week

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I decide to sleep in way past two, because we all know what happened the last time I was awake before that time. I hear a knock on my door and groan in response, "Wakey, wakey!" My brother yells at me and makes his way over to the blinds.

"No!" I yell back, grabbing his arms as if I'll be able to stop him when I've just woken up. Liam without any effort releases himself from my grasp and opens the blinds. I pull the cover right over my head which accidently exposes my feet. 

"I am not letting you spend this weekend cooped up like last week," Liam grabs the end of my sheets, "don't you dare." I spit through gritted teeth, "I'll see you downstairs in five," He says placing five fingers up as if I didn't already get the message. 

As soon as he exits the room I mentally debate whether or not it's worth getting up. 


He wins. I throw the sheets of me and walk over to my wardrobe trying to scavenge for anything that looks remotely presentable. I check the time and I'm right on the dot which pleases me. So, I skip my way downstairs only to see them all waiting for me at the bottom. 

"Great to see you all too." I say sarcastically, "let's go then shall we?" my mum says, "uh, where are we going? I feel like I'm being left out here, hello?" I wave my hands around in an attempt to get a response. But, they all continue to walk to the car so I follow. 

"We're just going to go out, as a family, you know have some quality time together," My mum says cheerfully, "don't worry we can ditch the lovebirds and go to that café you like." Liam whispers to me. 

I nod my head in approval as we start to drive off towards the city. I like going to the other suburbs that are towns, are less populated, have thrift shops and are really quiet. I really hate the hustle and bustle of the city the noise disturbs me. I don't ever go into the city so, I have no idea whether or not people from school go there often. But, I'm hoping for the sake of myself that I don't see anyone from school cause that always makes for the most awkward situations. 

After about 20 minutes in the car we make it into the heart of the city, as a family we enter the shopping center. It's crowded and there are people all over the place talking and laughing, tapping heals against the floor, the sound of plates and cutlery clanking. I fiddle around with my phone, wiping my hands furiously to get rid of the awful feeling. 

We just walk around for a bit going into a store here and there. Luckily it's quieter inside the stores so I can get short breaks. After wondering around for a bit and trying on a few things we're all drooping down and decide that it's time to eat.

I hide the excitement that is to leave this busy place and retreat to an area with a smaller crowd. I practically have to drag Liam up from where he was sitting outside the dressing rooms. And I thought I was the one with a lack of sleep. 

"So, Alya and I are gonna dip and go to that café," he points in the direction of the café. I love that café, I say it's because of the food, but secretly it's only because it's the quietest place here. 

"You have your phones right?"

"Yep." We call out in sink. 

We turn around and start to head over to probably the best café there is in the city,  "So, how are you doing? And I mean that seriously, you just went through a pretty rocky break up," I turn to face my brother, "I think I'm okay," I say pushing the door open, "I mean it's not like I've really tried to think-" 

And I whack into someone's chest, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking-"

"Dawson, what a pleasure," Dylan says with a smirk on his face, "Dylan," I say acknowledging him, Liam and Dylan nod towards each other, but Liam's jaw is clenched, I furrow my eyebrows. 

"Well, I have to get going, but I'll see you at school, you know that drama class we have at f block," He says smirking, I slightly hit his arm as he walks off. 

"How do you know him?" Dylan questions as we take a seat, "he's on the football team with Kayden and I have math with him, as well as some other classes," I respond as a waitress walks over to us, "he is trouble," I whip my head around to face Liam, "thanks for the information, but I can talk to whoever I want, plus he was like the only person there for me when he whole Kayden thing happened."

"Hello, Alya and Liam," the waitress says with a flirty smile, "what could I get for the two of you?"

"Just the usual for me," I say looking over at Liam, he doesn't say anything, "Liam, it's your turn now." I say impatiently, but he's too busy going all red, "I- I, will get the," he points aggressively to a food item on the menu, "got it, thanks, it won't take too long," she winks at me and then looks towards Liam who's still looking at the menu. 

"Um so, where were we?" He shakes his head, "gosh you really got it bad for her," Liam nods his head, "yeah, tell me about it."

"Anyway, I get that Dylan helped you and all but I still think you should be careful around him, he has a certain reputation when it comes to girls," I chuckle a bit but Liam's face is ridden with confusion, "First of all, I am not interested, second, his reputation is that he just has hookups with them okay so what? and third you don't know what he is like in a relationship."

"I still think-"

"and one last thing he has actually been behaving pretty well this year."

"Okay, alright Lou whatever you say, just trying to warn you," he surrenders his hands, "I appreciate it but you don't have to always protect me." 

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