Mine and His

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I wake up pretty late in the afternoon. No surprise in the arms of Dylan. We fell asleep on the couch watching tv with the empty pizza box sitting on the table. I look over to see Dylan peacefully sleeping. His hair looking like a giant birds nest. I smile at the funny sight and run a hand through his hair to smooth it down. At the movement Dylan shifts slightly before his eyes flutter open and land on my face.

"Good afternoon," I say smiling down at him, "is it that late?"

"yeah turns out we're pretty good at sleeping."

"Last time I slept till this late or slept in, in general was so long ago I can't remember," I nod smirking, "your sudden ability to sleep doesn't have to so with me does it?"

Dylan raises his eyebrows at me, "maybe, maybe not," he shrugs.

I shift myself on the couch so I'm sitting up Dylan does the same pulling me onto his lap.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" He asks, "whatever we want but first I have to see what's going on with Maya," He nods in understanding as he does so my phone goes of.

I grab it to see a few messages from Maya explaining that she went to Sam's house and not to worry about her. But, of course I am going to worry how can I not.

Dylan peers over my shoulder as I lean my screen to show him, "Alya just take your mind off it for a second. She's with Sam and he'll take care of her, alright?

I nod my head trying to get rid of the thoughts, "so, where are we going?"

"Why don't we just drive and not stop."


So, that is exactly what we do. Without a second thought we get out the house locking up behind ourselves and get into Dylan's car. We have no real idea of where we're going but that's the least of our concerns. Dylan starts up the car backing out of my driveway and onto the road. He doesn't ask for directions or which way to turn he just chooses as it comes.

I wind down my window so the cool air floods into the car freshening up my face. I look over to Dylan who's smiling brightly. He senses me staring so he turns to look at me. I practically melt under his gaze his pretty brown eyes boring into mine. I never thought someone would look at me the way he does.

"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" I smile sheepishly, "well you're absolutely gorgeous."

"And you are one pretty boy." I say in response.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a lot of the drive listening to the music play quietly in the background as we turn onto roads we didn't know existed. A service station comes into view and Dylan turns into it as we're running low on fuel.

He gets out the car fueling it back up then opens the door, "Come on," Dylan waving his hand for me to follow.

I jump out of the car grabbing onto his hand which sends butterflies through my stomach. I don't think I'll ever get sick of his touch. We walk might I add hand in hand into the servo and Dylan drags me along the aisles, "grab whatever you want," so I do just that piling food and drinks into my hands.

Once we're done Dylan goes up to the counter paying for the food and fuel.

"You didn't have to pay for all that," I protest as we walk out of the shop, "I know but I wanted to," He replies smiling proudly.

We make it back the car and I place all the bags of food in the back as we drive out of there. We're driving though a quiet area now fields of grass surrounding us. The car slows so I look over to Dylan to see why. He then turns into one of the fields and parks the car.

"What are we doing?" Dylan totally disregards my question instead saying, "can you grab the food?" I nod my head and open the back door to grab the plastic bags.

Dylan walks around to the back of the car opening the boot and pulling out a large blanket? He then walks back over to me and nods his head in the direction of the field.

"Lets go!" He says and starts running off into the middle of the grass. I fuck it and run after him not even knowing if we're allowed here.

We come to a stop somewhere in the middle panting heavily and fall to the ground, "fun, yeah?" Dylan huffs out, "more than fun." I beam clutching my stomach as we both blurt out laughing.

Dylan sits up and empties out the contents of the bags. Then pries open all the bags and plastic boxes revealing all the food.

I stare up at Dylan as I watch his concentrated face try to open something. I smile happily to myself as I realise this is mine. This feeling, happiness the boy sitting right in front of me. It's all mine. Mine and his.

I never thought life could get better than this. The setting sun streams a golden ray onto the side of Dylans face making him look even more beautiful than he already is.

I grab the object out of his hand causing him to look up at me. Dylan lets a massive smile take place over his face her. I shuffle closer placing my hands over his face he does the same but instead his hands fall onto my waist. Heat rises to my face as if it's the first time I've touched a boy before. We lean in slowly and press our lips together slowly. It's a nice feeling knowing someone actually cares for you and wants to be with you.

It's a feeling I'll never forget.



That's it! I have officially finished writing this book.

I think I would've wanted to continue writing it but I just wasn't very happy with how it was going and I don't really know how to continue it. But, I also feel like this is where it should end. To me it kind of makes sense.

Anyway I may possibly do a few follow up chapters or even a book of when they're in college not sure though.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed :)

Also a little promo but I have another book I'm writing called 'It Wasn't Fake' go check that out as well, thanks.

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