Couch Conversations

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We stumble up the stairs into my room, he's body is cold and so is his touch. He can barely keep himself up and as soon as we enter my room he passes out. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! What do I do?" I frantically wave my arms around as if that will help, Timmy's already starting to provide some physical comfort by resting on him and licking his face. 

I know it's stupid but I check his pulse, it's okay he is still breathing. I strip off his jumper and shirt leaving a very toned stomach, I quickly put one of my brother jumpers over him. Then I take of his jeans. Only because he's soaking wet I can't let him freeze to death, okay. 

" wanted to," he says weakly, "see me naked you could have just asked," he manages a smirk.

"Stop!" I say seriously, "what the fuck happened?"

I pull him over to the bathroom, "I'll let you go for a shower first, but don't pass out in there cause I will not come and save you!"

"I'll get you clothes and a towel," I rush out and into my brothers room grabbing his new and untouched pajama set, "sorry, Liam."

I run back to the bathroom and leave the clothes for him, then I wait at the bottom of the stairs for him to come out. I can hear the water running and any loud noises from here so if something does happen I'll hear. No guarantee I'll do anything about it though. 

The door opens and he comes out, looking a little more alive like than before. I call Timmy down and sit on the coach. They both sit down next to me. 

"Did you even wash your face properly, you still have a bit of dirt on that cut," I say inspecting his face, "wait here," I say going into the bathroom to grab some antiseptic and paper towels.

I sit back down, "What happened and don't lie to me?"

 "I was- look-" I swab his cut and he winces in pain taking the hint, "ok, ok."

"Maybe, something happened some words were exchanged and a fight happened," I sigh a breath, "did you start it?"

He hesitates I swipe at his cut again, "Ow, shit no I didn't."

"I shouldn't have come here, I'm sorry for disturbing you, who knows what your brother would have said if he was here." he waves his hands around before leaving them to rest on my thigh. My hair stands on end at his soft touch.

"Dylan," I say pointedly, "oh, sorry," Dylan picks his hands up and the spot where his hand is instantly goes cold.

"No, I didn't mean- anyway it's okay but next time don't like fucking pass out on my bedroom floor maybe." I suggest, "that scared the living shit out of me," I say chuckling lightly. 

"What was the fight about?"

"One of my friends just said some shitty things and and I had a go at him for it, then he thought he'd win a fight with me so he came at me."

"Well, it looks like he was pretty close to winning," I say eyeing his face. 

"Nah, he was out within the first punch."

"Oh really, then why is your face so smashed up?"

"Lets just say he had some of his friends there as well," I laugh at him, "and they didn't follow you here? Why didn't you go home?"

"No, they didn't they were all passed out on the floor and I don't want anyone at home to see me like this, it wouldn't set the right example."

Timmy feeling left out crawls in between us, "Hey, big guy, you're so cute aren't you?"

Timmy's tail goes crazy and he starts licking Dylan's face. He bursts out laughing and starts cuddling Timmy, who seems more than happy to oblige. I sit back and let out a big sigh. 

"What? are you jealous or something?"

"No!" I say quickly, "Really?"


"I think you're lying," he whispers to me. 

"Dylan?" he nods, all can I think about is my conversation with Kayden, "Kayden came here this morning, like really early."

"You're really thinking of him when I'm with you?" 

"No it's just that-"

"What did the fucker want?" He says casually, "he said that he didn't care who I dated and that he didn't care how fast I moved on-"

"Ok, why are you telling me this?" Dylan says anxiously.

"And he said not to worry about that whole bro code thing, and I have a feeling you either know why he came or you told him to. Now let's see who the liar is."

"Well, I think that he- I think- I didn't-"

I lower myself onto his chest, his heart pounding concerningly fast, "I think you're lying," I say mockingly. 

Dylan knuckles have bruises and cuts all over them, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Dylan nods, "Yeah, I am. Not to brag or anything but this isn't the first time I've done this."

"Oh, really and who did you go running to last time?" 

"No one, I just bled out on the street," he says chuckling, "how could you laugh about that?" I say getting up, his smile disappears as soon as I do, I tilt my head in confusion.

I try to cover up the slight awkwardness, "Um, are you hungry by chance?"

"No, not really kind of just want to sleep," Dylan says patting Timmy

"Want a drink or anything, you just got into a fight then walked through the rain and passed out, you could use some water."

"Alright, if you insist, Dawson," I smile at him and get a glass out of the cupboard filling it with cold water. 

I walk over to Dylan and he sits up wincing multiple times. 

"Thanks," He chugs majority of it so, I take it out of his hands and finish the rest. 

"Hey, that's my glass." He says childishly, I mock him again, "are you going to die if I drink from it?" 

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