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I wait for everyone to grab the books they need for class before opening my own locker and grabbing my supplies to prepare for double Math. I don't know whether I would consider having a double period of Math at the end of the day lucky, part of me argues that I get to go home straight after. The other half however, argues that I'm too tired and zoned out to gather any information at all. I slam my locker shut and turn over to look beside me. 

"You ready?"

"To what? Waste the next two hours of my life listening to our teacher passionately attempt to teach us math's," He chuckles at me, "If so, then no, I have never been ready and never will be," I groan. 

"Where were you yesterday? I missed you in math."

"Oh, I had a meeting sort of thing, less formal more of a discussion with a teacher," I eye him down, "You sure you weren't making out with some random girl behind f block?"

"As much as I wish I was," he says with a smirk, "Unfortunately, that is not the case, see I'm about to tell you something, I'll explain as well because you probably won't understand it," I look at him with a questioning face. "My grades are slipping," he whispers to me, "see what this means-"

"Shush, I know what that means," I chuckle before turning serious, "But, if you need help, I'm always here." he nods and we enter the classroom, "Ah, there you are Alya and Dylan, quickly take a seat we are just about to get into the lesson, you wouldn't want to miss it for the world, we just so happen to be discussing the best topic today-"

I interrupt "Sir, you say that every time we start a new topic, and every time it turns out to be a lie," he shakes his head at me, "Have some faith Alya, one day you will love Math," he says cheerfully, "Sir, I highly doubt it," I take a seat at the back with Dylan, not my usual scene but I'll take it. 

"Generally I only get to see the back of your head during Math, change of scenery."

"Oh, so you just stare at my hair the whole time?"

"No, I have better things to do, like imagining hooking up with a girl behind f block," he smirks, if I'm being honest he probably does. 

He is Dylan Grey Hale, meaning he gets all the girls, gets what he wants, hosts massive parties, has decent grades, a ripped body, plays on the football team, never has a girlfriend and is the 'it' boy of our school. The 'untouchable' one, although if I'm being completely honest he doesn't seem like that when I briefly talk to him here and there. I mean yeah sure he plays the part well, but at the same time he doesn't seem very bad boy. That could also just be because he doesn't act like that around me because his best friends with my boyfriend so he sort of has to be nice. 

"Do you actually understand this?" Dylan snaps me back to reality, "Yep, I do, don't you?" he shakes his head, "There is not a single word coming from his mouth that I process or understand," I quietly chuckle, "Wow Dylan, you are a lost cause."

He glares at me "Thanks for the reminder, shall I stick a note on my forehead saying that I'm practically helpless," I let out a snicker, "Relax, tell me what you don't get and I'll help you out with it."

Dylan turns his book towards me and gestures at the empty page I stare at it for a long couple of seconds before taking a deep breath this is going to require a lot of patience, "Ok Dylan, let's begin."

I spend the whole period explaining every single detail to him, what has to be added to what, what can't be added, what gets multiplied, how that things works and how he is wrong about that. Eventually, I think some very minimal progress is made and I look up to see his expression which has confusion, annoyance and relief written on it at the same time. 

"Thank you," he says slowly, "for that," Dylan takes his book back, "Alya, I feel like I have just gone though ten different years of Math classes and my brain could overflow at any point," he sarcastically smiles at me. 

I laugh in response to him, then turn back to my own page to catch up on all my lost time. Once again I open my mental schedule and see what I have to push around to get all this work done. That's when I remember Kayden's football match and then how tired he was after training, not that it's unusual but he seemed mentally drained as well. 

"Hey, Dylan I have a question."

"Shoot," he says without looking up from his page.

"Did something happen at training? Because Kayden looked really exhausted the other day and he just shrugged it off," Dylan looks up from his paper and racks his brain.

"Oh, well I think you should really be hearing this from Kayden-"

"Yeah, I know but he refuses to tell me."

"Well, then maybe I shouldn't tell you." Well I have to know somehow and if my boyfriend isn't going to tell me, then I someone has to.

"Can you at least point me in the direction the issue is in?"

"Umm, alright then our coach wasn't happy with his performance, that's all I'll say, the rest you can get from him."

"Thank you Dylan."

"No worries," he grins and gets back to work. 

I add that to my notes of things that float around in my brain so at any given moment I will remember it and start to stress about it. Let's just hope I remember about it the next time I'm with Kayden. 


Yay, we met Dylan, I know it's still kind of early in the story to meet him but, whatever. Anyway how are we enjoying their personalities? 

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