Relationship Confrontation

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I finish all my work for this class and open my computer to start on other unfinished work and to send out an email to my teacher apologising for missing class and for anything I missed out on.

My phone vibrates, Kayden? Nope, but his face on my wallpaper doesn't help me forget about him. It's just Maya asking about the party this weekend. Hiding my phone behind my laptop I go to settings and change my background to a photo of my dog and I, then get back to work.

I look up at the clock about every five minutes hoping that it will make time go faster, even though time is a concept not a real thing... but I don't feel like messing with my brain right now.

"Can you two just make out already?"

"Tell that to her," he smirks, "she's too afraid to come near me."

I nod my head, "Right I forgot you are the bad boy of the school."

Dylan notices my lock screen, "Maybe I need to get you a hookup," there's that same smirk, "No! We haven't broken up-"

"Yet," he points his toothpick towards me, "yet?" I say slowly, "come on, you both know it's over." Dylan says softly.

"Has he talked to you about it?" he shakes his head.

"You can't pretend like your relationship is going well."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Alya, as much as I ship you two together Kayden doesn't put in enough effort and you just put up with it."

"I do not," I cross my arms over my chest and he looks at me pointedly.

"I think you both know what needs to be said but neither of you are ballsy enough to say it."

I eye Dylan down accusingly, "Why do even care about my relationship?"

"I'm just giving some advice."

"Which you would have gotten from me, I don't need your advice."

"When you're the one in the situation sometimes it's hard to see what's going on and what needs to happen."

"Are you telling me you know how my relationship needs to go?"

"Whatever, take it or leave it," I scoff and turn back to my work I really don't want any advice on how to run my own relationship.


"Alya, we're are only trying to help you," this is the first time Maya has looked up from her phone to talk to someone.

"Ok, thanks great," I mumble.

"When was the last time you talked to him?" Damian turns to me, I open and close my mouth embarrassed to answer, "don't tell me it was when you argued-"

"Shush Damian, a minute of silence for me." I say glaring at him, "I for the first time in my life have been too afraid to approach someone."

They all nod and we sit in silence for a minute earning a few strange glances.

"I-" I silence Damian and nod my head, there's still a few seconds left.

I breathe out to signify the end of the minute, they all breathe out heavily like they are holding their breath. I glance at both of them they just give me worried looks, "I swear I am fine, now where we before we started talking about me," Damian and Maya start laughing, "You are not fine in the slightest,"

"And you can't just ignore this," I glare Damian dead in his annoyingly pretty hazel eyes, that I envy, "and since when did you become such an export in relationship advice?" He raises his eyebrows, "It's always the single ones that have the best advice, what can I say?" he shrugs his shoulders.

Maya chimes in "You need to talk to him, no doubt about it, I don't care what you have to do to get him to talk, but knowing you it won't take much at all."

I nod thanking my friends for their advice, I won't talk him right now, not until after the weekend, I need to clear up my head first and become stable enough to do whatever it is I have to.


I am way too excited for what's to come, that I can't even write a full chapter, get ready for some character development from Dylan and to see who he actually is.

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