Hallway Passing

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Maya, Damian and I are all walking back to our lockers, Maya is excitedly talking about Sam. As usual, Damian and I just keep exchanging glances. She is so obsessed with him, but he's just as obsessed. Sam is truly a great guy and I'm happy that Maya has found a good guy like him. Damian and I remain single, understandably I'm single because I just got out of a relationship. Maya seems to think that I should already get another boyfriend. Typical of her but I refuse. However, Damian could pull absolutely anyone like no kidding just about half the school digs him, but he likes the completely single life. 

While Maya is all cooped up in her head about Sam, all I can think about is the mental list in my brain that I haven't touched in weeks, for some reason since the whole Kayden situation I haven't thought about it. I wonder if I'm finally ready to part ways with my stupid mental cloudiness. I snap out of it focusing back to the conversation.

"So, is he your boyfriend yet or what?" I say turning to look at Maya, "no, oh my gosh, don't say that Alya, he hasn't asked yet," Maya says as if someone is going to hear her and care. I nod my head, "okay, okay" I chuckle putting my hands up in surrender, "but you've been going out for weeks," 

She slaps a hand to her face, "Alya it's called dating, we've only been on a few."

"Well, that's an understatement," I stifle through laughs, "Alya!" Maya says clearly finding my difficulty annoying.

"What about you Damian?" I say turning my view towards him, "I don't know, I'm not that interested in dating anyone at the moment," I roll my eyes, "you say that every time, but good on you for that single life."

We turn the corner that our lockers are around, "Alya, look!" Maya says quickly and points behind me, "What?-"

"Fuck me!" I bump into a firm chest and fall back landing on my ass, with all my books flying down to the side of me. The person manages to just land on their arms, I hear Damian and Maya try to contain their laughs, what now?

I look up and see Dylan smirking to cover up the laugh he's holding in. Dylan manages to push it down, "anytime, Dawson," Dylan winks, his hot breath fanning my face, the distance between us is almost non existent. I push a hand on his chest physically telling him to get up. His eyes roam my body and he lets out a shaky breath before readjusting himself and leaving. 

Dylan turns the corner, and as soon as he does Damian and Maya burst out into the laughter they are so desperately trying to hold in. 

"Fuck you guys, like actually! And I bet on everything I own that you knew that was going to happen," Maya looks over at Damian and starts chuckling again. 

I throw my hands up, "Come on! You've got to be kidding me, I don't like him!"

"The sexual tension that I just witnessed tells me otherwise, you two were ready to rip each others clothes off."

"You didn't hear what he said did you?"

"Hun, we knew for a fact that you would say that, so we just assumed what he would say back," Maya shrugs casually "anyway, before you faint from his good looks we should get out of here," Maya spins around and skips towards her locker. 

"Why him?" I whisper to Damian, "like I'm close with the whole football team."

"Not that close," he follows hastily after Maya, I slowly walk towards my locker. 

I think back to my brain that is a current mess, all the organised boxes are shaken around and spill out into less complex sections. I can't seem to find my mental notes list of things that stress my out on a daily.

"Alya, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I wave a hand in the air, "hey, if you want us to stop we will, we just thought it would be a bit of fun to get your mind of shit," Maya says in a soft tone, "and there is nothing wrong with having a crush on someone one month after breaking up with your boyfriend," she adds like it's the most important part. 

"No, it's okay, you're right it has actually got my mind of it, and..." Maya nods for me to keep going, "yeahokayheishot." I let out in one deep breath hoping I said it low enough that she doesn't hear.

"Who's hot?" I scrunch my face up at the sound of his voice, "let me guess, Harry Styles!" he says sarcastically, "No," I say confidently turning to face Dylan once again, "this time I was talking about Louis," he nods his head in approval. 

"Me and him look pretty similar," Dylan rests against the lockers, he's about to say something but Maya's ringtone interrupts, "Hey, Sam, yeah oh, umm one second," Maya says and looks towards me, "please go on a date with him, I will happily have some extra sleep tonight."

Speaking of distractions Maya needs some of that right now. 

"Yes! I would love to!" Maya says excitedly to Sam.

I look towards Damian, "go to a bar, get drunk and get laid," I say pushing his shoulder, forcing him to walk off.

"And that is how you cancel plans," I whisper to myself placing my books into my locker, this time in height order. 

"Dylan! What are you doing lets go!" I hear a painfully familiar voice call out. I feel like throwing up. 

"Uh, yeah give me a second!" 

"That Alex guy, that's who's hot," I say trying to compose myself, why did I say that? I can't be mad at him for hanging out with my ex. They are friends and I'm not anyone to Dylan but a possible hookup anyway. 

His jaw clenches though and jealousy leaves his face faster than it arrives. 

"You know he's got the hair down, muscular arms, he knows how to flirt as well, and don't get me started on-"

"Dylan!" Kayden calls out from the end of the hallway, but his face changes as soon as he sees me. 

Before anyone can stop me I slam my locker shut and run out of the hallway. I have to walk home today and I don't want Dylan catching up to me. 

Not like he would try to anyway.

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